Where to get Pila 168S batts, underdriving a p90?


Newly Enlightened
Mar 4, 2005
First let me say thanks to those that helped in coming up with suggestions for an alternative light that won't get me written up by my department.

I settled on a SF M2 for now as it can be considered a "mini-mag type personal backup light powered by AA or AAA type batteries" (123s are smaller than AA's, or so I can claim) and is close enough in size from pictures I've seen to pass.

Eventually I'm going to get the Lux V head for it, but for now I want to let people get used to the slightly smaller version with the incan. head.

For personal use with the lux V, where can I grab 168S batts? I tried J.S. Burly's but can only find the A variant.

I've also been told that I can use the Batt Station R123s while underdriving a P90 lamp; any experiences? How much does it shorten the life of the lamp (and I need to ask how long a 'normally' driven SF lamp lasts)?

Much obliged for all the help and info; never knew there was this world of light out there.
J.S. Burly's has Pila 168S batteries.

You need a the Pila 3.7 volt to go with the Plia 168S in your M2.

The voltage of a Pila battery is to low for Surefire 6 volt lamps.

If you want to use 2xR123 in your M2 you need a Surefire P90 lamp assembly. I haven't tried the R123s from Battery Station. I have tried 2xR123s from J.S. Burly with a P90 and they worked.

I recommend the Pilas with either the incandescent or the Surefire KL5. I don't recommend 2xR123 with a KL5 because the voltage is to high IMHO. The runtime is pretty short with the R123s.

Surefire lamps last a long time if they are driven with the correct number of 123 primary cells. If you under drive them it will shorten their life, if you overdrive them they will flash. Another thing I recommend is that you put in fresh batteries as soon as you notice your light getting dim. It will shorted the life of the lamp if you try to drain the batteries until they are dead.

I understand that Surefire lamps are rated for 25 hours, but in my experence they tend to last much longer. If your lamp doesn't fail in the first 5 minutes, it should last a long time. The ones that fail in the first 5 minutes are defective and I understand that Surefire will replace them even though they are not obligated to.
I knew it needs a 3.7 volt lamp, but JSB's site said that it was the lamp for a 6P. What JSB site didn't say and I missed it, was it didn't say it was for Pilas. My mistake, sorry!!! I'll edit my previous post. Thanks
Re: Where to get Pila 168S batts, underdriving a p

Thanks for all the links and input; somehow I was only getting 4 options in the Pila batts section when I went to the site. My brain sometimes takes a day or two off when I'm not working...