First let me say thanks to those that helped in coming up with suggestions for an alternative light that won't get me written up by my department.
I settled on a SF M2 for now as it can be considered a "mini-mag type personal backup light powered by AA or AAA type batteries" (123s are smaller than AA's, or so I can claim) and is close enough in size from pictures I've seen to pass.
Eventually I'm going to get the Lux V head for it, but for now I want to let people get used to the slightly smaller version with the incan. head.
For personal use with the lux V, where can I grab 168S batts? I tried J.S. Burly's but can only find the A variant.
I've also been told that I can use the Batt Station R123s while underdriving a P90 lamp; any experiences? How much does it shorten the life of the lamp (and I need to ask how long a 'normally' driven SF lamp lasts)?
Much obliged for all the help and info; never knew there was this world of light out there.
I settled on a SF M2 for now as it can be considered a "mini-mag type personal backup light powered by AA or AAA type batteries" (123s are smaller than AA's, or so I can claim) and is close enough in size from pictures I've seen to pass.
Eventually I'm going to get the Lux V head for it, but for now I want to let people get used to the slightly smaller version with the incan. head.
For personal use with the lux V, where can I grab 168S batts? I tried J.S. Burly's but can only find the A variant.
I've also been told that I can use the Batt Station R123s while underdriving a P90 lamp; any experiences? How much does it shorten the life of the lamp (and I need to ask how long a 'normally' driven SF lamp lasts)?
Much obliged for all the help and info; never knew there was this world of light out there.