Which heatsink for Mag 2C w/XP-G


Aug 18, 2009
San Jose, CA
I just purchased a Mag 2C and have an XP-G on a 10mm round board. What heatsink would work with this combination? Also, can I use the stock reflector?


From my own experience building a Mag C with dual XPG emitters
on a single 14mm board, H22A's Cree heatsinks do not allow focus
to be perfect. I get a large darkspot in the middle of the hotspot.

When I remove the Mag head completely and place the reflector so that
it is resting on the bottom of the heatsink, the focus does improve
which leads me to believe that when using a Cree XRE heatsink with a
XP-G you need to shim the emitter higher.
How much height, I do not know because I have yet to find a method
of ungluing my emitters without damaging the board :(
Hi Dan,

I have used the C heatsinks from The Sanwich Shoppe for an MCE and an XRE with the stock reflector. I haven't used the XPG on one yet. With the XRE and a stock mag reflector with the cam removed, the focus was very tight so it was throwy. It did not spread very evenly for flood with the SMO reflector. I am guessing the XPG will do better because of the larger hot spot and no metal ring around the die.