Which Li-ion 123's fit the Nitecore Extreme?


Feb 26, 2006
San Diego
I've read one review that the AW's fit nicely without any sticking, and the ultrafire ones are a little snug.

Which brands have you been using?
I'm using AW protected 750 mAh cells. :)

I also tried an 880 mAh 16340 by UltraFire but it is too long and you get some eerie noises from the light if you try to screw down the head completely. :shakehead
Ditch the stock body, and use whatever you want.

I'm currently using and AW "C" cell. It looks ridiculous, but you can't beat the runtime.
Like I said, looks ridiculous...



...but probably gets three or four hours of max output per charge.
LOL ..... You must get some mega runtimes on that baby :thumbsup:
I've read one review that the AW's fit nicely without any sticking, and the ultrafire ones are a little snug.

Which brands have you been using?
So far the only problem I have had is with Battery Station Li-ions.

They fit OK but on a user -> max transition (i.e. tightening when on in user mode) the light goes out.

I think it may be a problem with the shape of the +ve contact on the battery.