which light to buy: Inretech adapter or CMG Reactor?


Newly Enlightened
Sep 6, 2002
Southern California
I have read a lot of good things about the Inretech adapers for the mini mag aa and some good and bad reviews for the CMG Reactor. What are peoples real experiences with both of these lights and is the cmg reactor more green than white like people are saying.. What kind of burn times are people getting with good alkalines with the Inretech aa.. Has anyone dared tried lithiums with this light? Any good info appreciated...
Basically they are the same thing. Your chance of getting a pea/**** green LS with either option is the same.

If I were you, I will get a reactor instead. IT's $30, and you can use it alongside with your Mag should you need a longer throw.
My understanding is both lights are much brighter w/lithiums. I think overall you would have a better quallity light with the Inretech+mag, but you do have the lifetime warranty with the CMG Reactor. After reading the reviews I'm leaning toward the I+M combo for a more durable smaller package. Plus I have a couple unused Mini-Mags.
I am sure you'll get some responses from someone who has both. And I'm sure someone will say "get both"

Additional question who has the best price/service on both of these??
I wouldnt buy either. I had the reactor and it wasnt much brighter than my opalec. looks like they plop in any luxeon they want so you may or may not get a good one.
Originally posted by mrchri5:
I wouldnt buy either. I had the reactor and it wasnt much brighter than my opalec. looks like they plop in any luxeon they want so you may or may not get a good one.
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Maybe a good option is to buy your Reactor in a brick & mortar like REI, so that if you happen to get a sub-standard Luxeon, you can just take it back for a straight xchange.
I was wondering if the Inretech 2AA adaptor would fit into a Craftsman 2AA Tool-light? This Craftsman light is a nicely finished job with an excellent thumb switch.....much nicer than the Minimag with twist switch. It has a two-prong socket similar to the Mag.
We have not tried the Adapter in the Craftsman 2AA Tool-Light, I don't see a problem with the adapter working in there - but, I am unsure about the replacement lens that we supply fitting in there properly, it would either be too big - or too small

I think you could either be happy or disappointed with either product, largely based on your expectations. If you are expecting either of the products to be searchlights for eight hours while being churned in a cement mixer, we may not be able to meet your expectations. Our workaround for this is to try focusing your expectations. (We tried keeping our customers away from cement mixers, but that didn't work out.) InReTech makes a replacement adapter for the MiniMAG flashlight. If you like MiniMAGs, you're probably going to like our light. There are a lot of MiniMAGs sold each year and that is the market we are aiming at.

We would love to put together other kinds of lights but the optics problem keeps confronting us. How do you get the light out while keeping the water from going in? Another problem is market differentiation. How do we produce a product that is just like one of our competitors and make sales? How do we do this without engaging in flame wars here on CPF? (Thank you to all of our competitors who showed extreme forbearance at some of my earlier remarks.)

For right now, InReTech has staked out the MAG Instruments Direct Drive LED Adapter market. We are looking at ways we can develop new products that increase the size of the whole pie rather than just our slice of it. We really want Mike to get a brand new Hummer next year, but we aren't going to do so if it means that we trash this invaluable resource that is the CPF. We're from Oregon and we value community. (OK, don't expect Mike to say this really loudly if he is standing next to a new Hummer.)

I hope you find an LED product that you really like. If you buy our product and understand that it is going to give you years of useful utility/inspection/emergency light, I think you're going to be happy. It will survive a substantial amount of abuse, but it can be broken. I hope this helps.
I had trouble getting my InReTECH to work in my Brinkmann 2AA Legend, but no troubles whatsoever in my mini-mag.

It worked sometimes, but sometimes it would kind of twist out and either not work, or get very very dim.

Thank you for the opportunity to offer a sincere "No Comment" to all questions about the quality of flashlight companies with more trial lawyers on staff than test engineers.
(That would indicate that I am speaking in jest, a form of speech specifically protected by the First Ammendment.)

The grain of wheat bulb is a fairly standard light source that our adapter can be configured to work with. The MiniMAG light works quite well for our adapter and has unmatched quality for the price. Not all companies build to the quality criteria of MAG Instruments. (Manufacturers of fertilizer spreaders rarely operate with such tight tolerances, for instance.)