Which Maglite Color Best Disguises Cosmetic Nicks & Light Scratches?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 8, 2007
Los Angeles
Want to avoid shelf queening a few upcoming builds, was curious as to which color would best allow me to actually put the light to use without worrying too much about cosmetic blemishes. Which Maglite color best disguises cosmetic nicks and light scratches?
Silver would be the best, pewter (gray) would be second.
I have the grey and it's great at hiding dings. Like the others, I would assume the silver would be best though. I just really like the look of the grey.
I think that more the color is dark and more you see nicks...
so I also suggest silver:twothumbs
but once you go black you'll never go back.......a little off color comedy:naughty:......but silver might not show them easily, but with black y0u could cover them up with a sharpie and the nicks would be very hard to see due to the dark color