Which one is brighter and runs longer, Opalec Newbeam or PT Matrix?


Newly Enlightened
Mar 7, 2002
Central NY
Which one runs longer and is brighter? They seem be have the same platform, 3 LEDs and using 2 AAs.

Matrix is rated at 40 hrs and someone here posted that it lasted that long. New beam runs for 10 hrs, but I don't know how brigth it shines comapared to the Matrix.

Any thought?

The Opalec is MUCH brighter. and regulated. I'm not sure if the matrix is regulated. Some seem to think so, but I've taken mine apart and there doesn't seem to be enough circuitry for it to be regulated. (it does have a DC-DC boost though.)
Matrix is regulated and burns for 40+ hours. I find it funny that all of these posts are now going to support regulated lamps, when one and half years ago, everyone was talking for unregulated and longer burntimes. Where are we all on this subject now? I am interested in opinions.
I haven't seen the Opalec in person, but I did try a Matrix for a day and can tell you how it compares to other lights. I was very disappointed with the Matrix's brightness (or should I say by its lack of brightness). It was much dimmer than the Attitude, maybe half as bright or less. In fact, it really wasn't near as bright as my Arc-LE. It is a bit brighter than an Infinity with about the same run time, but considering the 3 leds and 2 AA's; I was disappointed, so back to the store it went. I hope this helps. Also, the leds in the Matrix I tried were even bluer than those in the Attitude, which are pretty blue (check LED Museum review, if you want more info). Also, you can check the thread comparing the Opalec to the Attitude to extrapolate how the Matrix will compare to the Opalec.
The matrix have a voltage regulation chip inside. I have read the datasheet of the chip but don't remember the part number now. In fact the regulation is very good, u got absolutly the same brightness no matter the battery is new or used. But the sad thing is, it's only half as bright as a photon with new battery.
If you wanted the Matrix brighter, it could be double as bright for roughly half the burntime - around 20 hours. In fact, as we have found some here on this board - there were circuits that were shipped by PT that could be adjusted. PT felt that for their market the longer burntime was more important. The Attitude is not regulated and will be brighter than the matrix for a limited amount of time.

Which do want? I am not sure for myslef, I guess that I prefer a regulated LED.
For the most part I too prefer a regulated light. I understand that some burn time and initial brightness will be lost in exchange for the near constant brightness. For example I love my Arc-AAA's. But when it comes to the Matrix, I personally just think it isn't worth the exchange because it is so very dim. My Attitude is brighter even when the batteries are nearly dead. My Infinity (which I also personally like) is even brighter if I use a lithium AA. Even with a regular AA, the Infinity is close to the Matrix, and you can get much longer run time per AA than with the Matrix.
I always like regulated LED (but not incandescent). However, most regulated LED light tends to be tuned on the dim side such as Matrix and Infinity or whatever. I understand the market they're after and may be it's a good business decision. It just simply is not my preference. Of course, the ideal regulated LED light is those that are capable of multiple brightness setting

By the way, an easy way to test a regulated LED light is to see if it provides same brightness for alkaline, lithium and NiMH.

My matrix must be one of the brighter ones because it at least as bright as an Arc AAA.

I feel sorry for the guy with the one thats bright as an infinity. It should run the LEDs at 20ma each so it should be as bright as 3 infinitys or 1 Arc -aaa.

PS I prefer regulated lights. Testing with an unregulated LS show significant dropoff after 2 or 3 hrs. I then turned it on every night for 10 hrs and it keep going for a week. But wasn't much brighter than an infinity the whole time.
So the idea of using "Dead" batteries from another application doesn't fly because the light output is so dismal.
So are the ARC AAA driving the LED at 60mA?

Last night I hooked up one of my ZTX circuit for an LS (tuned at 340 mA) with 4 LED in parallel and wow! the thing is darn bright!!
That's over 80 mA in each LED! I just left it for only a minute or so though.

Just wondering how much you can push it before it snap.

Have any of you guys tried to modify the Matrix to get more light out?
The plastic LED/switch/circuit board unit is easy to open, but it gets more difficult when you try and remove the little circuit board. Ideal for me would be a Matrix with about 10-15 h battery life - and the increased light output