Which switch for Stinger HP?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 2, 2001
For those of you who have or had Streamlight flashlights with the regular and tailcap switches, which do you prefer, and why?

I'm planning to pick up the Stinger HP, and can't decide on a switch. This light will be for personal use, so "tactical" applications are not a concern. Thanks for any input.
I don't own an XT but I played with one at a gunshow once. It seemed OK but I was so used to my regular Stinger I never thought about switching (this was before the HP and XTHP came out).

With my Stinger I use my ring finger to put pressure on the switch with my thumb towards the butt end.

I'm not sure how holding it like that will work with the big head lights (HP series and the Ultrastinger).

If you get to play with the XT series before you buy see how far your thumb has to move to activate the light. When I first played with the XT (briefly) it felt like my thumb had to go too far in to use.
I would recomend getting the standard version for your application. It's easier to turn on if you're carrying it underhanded, & you can still turn it on in the overhand position useing the ring or middle finger, like Grog mentioned. I have the US, & the larger head doesn't affect overhand grip. The only possible drawback I could see, is sometimes you have to "search" for the switch. But in a nontactical situation, this shouldn't matter. TX
Thanks for the replies, Grog and Txwest! I guess I'll be going for the regular switch. By the way, does anyone know if the flasher/dimmer switch could be used on the HP XT?
If you mean the one for the full size light, it would be too big. It's not even meant for my poly 20
. I guess metal on plastic don't work.