White 5mm Nichia LEDs



OK I'm sure you now know I'm very interested in Nichia 5mm LEDs.

I know that there are various brightness ranks R, S and possibly T.

I also know that there are currently 4 colours, A (being the bluest) to D (being the yellowest, or a warm incandescent colour).

So what is the famous S rank B1? Do the colours have sub-ranks.. B1 B2 B3

Also does anyone have any comparison between the 4 colour rankings? Good'ol telephony (all hail king of the LEDs!) has a couple of his website but it'll be good to compare A, B, C and D side by side.

I dunno about you guys but sometimes I prefer the warmer tones of an incandescent. If only there was a perfect compromise.
I think I should be able to Explain this. We rank our white leds into for color bins. A,B,C,D Like you said A being a blue tint and D being very Yellowish. Heres where the B1 and B2 bame from. If you imaging that the B color bin is a square on the CIE Color Chart, and that all B rank LEDs will fall within this square. We took that square and split it into two sections B1 and B2. This was done so when ordering large quantities the color will be more uniform throughout all the leds received. We have also done this with our Green and Blue leds however they are not in mas production under the W1 G1 etc. So if you were to order this part you would specify the part number as NSPW500BS-B1 or B2. If you further wanted to specify the intensity rating it would appear NSPW500BS-B1S or B2R and so fourth.

Hope this Helps you out
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Daniel Ramsey:
i am beginnig to see the "light" here,so i guess the best way to make my next order is to go to the next level and FAX a request for these higher raked LEDs?......


If you are considering a large investment in high grade Nichias - perhaps we here in the forum could do you a favor?
If a dozen or more of us were willing to commit to going in with you a minimum of say 20++ LEDs each - we could get your volume up and maybe get a better price for you. We could mail you funds with a return post paid envelope to make it real easy. I bet a few of us die hards could bump your quantity up to a nice discount level and get some highly sought after LEDs out of the deal.

Just a thought - what do you think?
Daniel have you ever considered using a the CS rank Nichias? It should be just as bright but with a lower colour temperature (ie. warmer).
Yuck! Yellow Incandescent crap is gross. But, If that's REALLY your bag, just try mixing a few yellow LED's in with your cluster.
The colour shouldn't resemble a the yellow of a dim incandescent at all. From what I can gather (see ledmuseum's yellow LED page), the CS rank should have a colour thats somewhere inbetween a bright xenon-incandescent (the "whitest" incandescent I suppose) and the common A or B rank Nichias.

"Yellow Incandescent crap is gross"... actually I dunno about you but actually I prefer the slightly yellow colour of a halogen to the the very cold blue colour of the LED lights I have.

Take a look back at the very short history of compact fluros. Initially the public weren't very happy with its colour rendition because it had a very high colour temperature. Nowadays the majority of CFs sold are of a warmer tone, I think its around 2700K, and its colour is no longer a drawback.

Sign me up for 50, as long as they are like the NSPW500BS you've been getting.

Someguy, maybe you should check out the recent Luxeons, they have that nice sickly "warm" color. Problem is, nobody I know wants any kind of light in that color temperature. Not picking on your preference, just saying people I've delt with want that high teperature wht/blu color, and shy away from any 'warm' white colors.

And Daniel, I have no problem up-fronting the money to you also. You shouldn't have to finance our 'habit'....
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Not picking on your preference, just saying people I've delt with want that high teperature wht/blu color, and shy away from any 'warm' white colors. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>No kidding!

Yes the colour of the Luxeon on telephony's webpage is exactly what I'm looking for.. not too blue and not too yellow. Unfortunately most Luxeons now appear to be puke green.
"If a warmer color was used then it would just be an LED looking like another common flashlight"

Not really. The spectrum of a white LED will never be the same as that of an incandescent as the spikes at certain frequencies will always be present.

But it looks like with the C rank LEDs, there is a bit more yellow to achieve a closer daylight tone. The blue should still be present, but not as noticeable.

"I could order 500 next week".. I would get a few samples at different ranks first (S,R and A,B2,B1,C) before purchasing large amounts. This way you can determine whether its worth spending the extra dollar (or two) for the higher ranked versions.
Hey the line "I could order 500" should definately get their attention! If you want the brightest, this narrows it down to AS, B1S, B2S and CS.

If you send them $10 or so, I'm sure the helpful guys at Nichia could rummage through the different bins and send you these 4 LEDs.

What do ya think JRock?

Oops I just read my first post. rank D isn't a warm incandescent colour. At that time I didn't carefully read ledmusuem's info on it.
Sorry, I havent been of CPF now for a day or so. But if you all are going to get together and purchase these I think I could arrange a mixture of ranks. As long as they are in stock. We could do something like 400 b1s or b2s 50 AS and 50 CS. Should not be a problem.
I'd agree with Daniel and go for the NSPW500BS-B1S, or NSPW500BS-B1T if such a beast existed :). Brighter is better, since they all cost the same, don't they?
We really need someone who wants to be a dealer for common items.

Paying for parts is okay, but all the high price shipping from the big companies makes everything difficult.