White Forever Bright X-mas LEDs pics & 1st impressions


Oct 2, 2000
NJ - Land of malodorous \"earl\" refineries!
Well I bit the bullet on these and plopped down 20 buckeroonies on a set of Forever Bright all white LED string from QVC. Here is a picture which will do all the talking. Notice the Luxeonesque variations of hue. (I still love 'em though.What a stunning appearance when viewed in person.) This photo was stopped down intentionally to show the detail of the "tinting". Yes, they are plugged in and illuminated.

Wishing you all a safe holiday season.

Also, FWIW, I have seen all varieties of these at Brookstone in NYC and to be honest, the Flame-Tip ones like the ones I have photographed above, are the Brightest of the whites. The little twisted cone ones are dim in comparison to these. The blues were absolutely breathtaking, but they weren't available for sale yet as their inventory hasn't arrived yet. Just the in-store display blues were in. Now I might have to take Darell up on his possible up coming group buy. They had hundreds of boxes of the white flame tip ones for sale. I guess they anticipate a large volume of these to sell.

P.S. The blue in Flame Tip looked like gemstones, so stark and rich blue coloration. I didn't have time to analyze the variations, but on first glance, they looked pretty balanced to me.


It sounds like Darell's group buy is definitely the way to go at this point. I know that's the avenue I'll be pursuing.
Deth, I agree. The price that he threw out to us in the other thread is very tempting. That's a lot less than what I've seen them going for in NYC. Lots of upper-crusty type stores in NYC incl FAO Schwartz are carring these and most, if not all the prices that I have seen were > US$27. Darell's price is almost HALF that. How can one resist temptation?

I bought a white LED light set last year that has a similar variation in the colours. Let`s see if I still have a picture on the server....



Unfortunately I don`t know where to get these now, they were a seasonal special at an electronics suppliers. They are also a set of 56 with a transformer and the usual multieffect controller (when will they ever change the patterns in those things?) and were very expensive for what they are.

Nice though.

Oooh. Very nice ideed. I haven't seen them in person yet - this is as close as I've come.

Let not call this a group buy - let's call it I'd like to help us FOUR get some of these. Group buys scare me, but I'm willing to do it for the guys who've shown interest in this for a while now. So officially, this group buy is CLOSED.

Now, that said, let me get the price list out to Ed, and we'll see what everybody has to say....