Re: Who builds the Aleph\'s?
No, the DB isn't for 1x123. Won't hurt it, but will just run in DD and be quite dim. 60 ohms is perfect for the 2x123 DB set-up. You cannot imitate a KL1-brightness on the low-setting, it won't go that high because the principle behind it is that the driver is kicked out of regulation by the resistor.
You want a low like the KL1 ... get a L2 or U2, the Aleph isn't your ticket. YOu can have relatively bright low modes by using lower resistance though.
P.S.: Hey Brasso, you just can't have it all in only one light yet. Don't stress and just look for what you like best and go for it, the rest will follow ... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif