Who Has Best Price On KL1?

MR Bulk

Aug 12, 2002
I almost ordered from 1SKS but I read somewhere that "$45 is a little high"?

Mr. Paul Kim, respectfully asking if these shipments of KLs includes dealers in Hawaii? More specifically to Mr. Lance O'Hara?

HAY! I just got off the phone with Lance O'Hara (SureFire dealer here in Hawaii and a personal friend from before) and he has a dozen KL1s coming in (actually ten, as two are already spoken for) at $36.70 -- that's SHIPPED to Hawaii. So I guess I found the best price (for me, at least) right here in my backyard. He has to tack on 1/2% sales tax but that's like 18 cents ($36.88).

Thanks to everyone for your help!

I've done business with TTS, LPS, and Brightguy and feel that they are all great places to "invest" (should read "spend") your hard-earned $$$'s.

I also have been very satisfied with the way TTS, LPS, and Brightguy have handled my questions and orders. I have no qualms about doing business with any of them. I only regret that I, as a California resident, have to pay sales tax on LPS orders delivered to me.

That is not an advertised price, it is a wholesale price that a dealer (with tax reseller's license which I possess in Hawaii) would qualify for. But by the time I buy it and send it back to you, plus the 3% I'd have to tack on for PayPal (more on that below), you'd be close to, or possibly even above, TTS's price anyway. That 3% for Paypal is because that's the only way you could pay for it in time, since I can't/won't buy extras unless I have confirmed orders which means I'd need payment first, and by the time they arrived they'd be all pre-sold since your check or money order would take that long to reach me...

If these things really take off, I'll inquire about a Group Buy later when they become more readily available (but I'd probably have to buy a Really Big Quantity to reach the next price break level) and put something together then.
Thanks, I have placed my order from LPS today,for 45 shipped. BTW, does anyone else think CPF members should get a discount? I wouldn't even of heard of LPS if it weren't for Byron. The way I see it is that a lot of these companies are getting a lot of good word of mouth advertisement. Is it too much to ask for a 5% or 10% discount? BTW, I will also start a thread in the Cafe.
I ordered mine (yesterday) from Lagger-pro.com for $45 which includes shipping. LPS thinks they might come in next week. Should be fun!
