Who has taken their LW 4000 apart? (Was: Lightwave 4000 Mod?)

John N

Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 12, 2001
I was curious if anyone who has (or has played with) a LW 4000 noticed if there is any room in there for a circuit?

More specifically, I recently found out the emergency battery pack for my hand held HAM radio contains a DC to DC converter that outputs at 4.5V. Hmm. The circuit is fairly small (slightly smaller than 11/16" x 2 1/8") and happens have a very straighforward input and output (two contacts each! :-0).

Any thought if I could sneak that in the LW 4000?



Battery case source: http://www.hamradiostore.com/cgi-bin/uncgi/ase?ITEM=FBA-23&x=9&y=10

The radio, in case you are interested: http://www.yaesu.co.uk/amateur/vhf/vx5r/vx5r.htm
Ok, let me try a different approach.

Who has taken their LW 4000 appart?

How hard would it be to retrofit the guts into a Maglite?

What I'm thinking here is put the guts into a 4D Maglite, using a dummy D cell that contains a power regulator.


Hey John; What are you trying to do with the LW4000? Are you planning to install a step-up with a voltage regulator? Would be interesting to see what you come up with. I haven't taken mines apart as it's been working very well. Usually, I start with this type of project when I get tired with the basis design or when it fails and the vendor cannot provide replacement parts...
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by WarrenI:
Hey John; What are you trying to do with the LW4000? Are you planning to install a step-up with a voltage regulator? Would be interesting to see what you come up with. I haven't taken mines apart as it's been working very well. Usually, I start with this type of project when I get tired with the basis design or when it fails and the vendor cannot provide replacement parts...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I just stumbled upon a pre-made regulator for 4.5V which sounds perfect for this guy.

I was thinking of putting it in the LW, or re-mounting the LW parts in a Maglite.

I was thinking the LW would be really cool if regulated.
