Who has the most powerful sp............................


Newly Enlightened
Oct 11, 2007
Who has the most powerful handheld spotlight on the market and how much cp is it? I seen Northern Tool has one that 25 million CP and burns rechargables for 45 min.
The question is very general.....You may want to be more specific?...

I'm assuming you don't have to pull it with your truck?... and Is candlepower your only parameter or distance throw, does cost matter, or size, or weight, and does it need to be practice.... etc?

There is some nice inexpensive stuff and some nice expensive stuff... most of the really bright stuff has been modded in some fashion... Larry makes one that only burns about 5 minutes but is stinkin bright till your steak is done!
I'd like a hand held light. I'm a body builder and weigh 300lbs. so as long as I don't have to do another work-out, size doesn't really matter (handheld). As for candlepower and distance, both are nice. northern tool has a 25 million cp for $125.00 that burns for 45 minutes. Is that the best for $? I'm actually thinking of 1 that my dad had. It had 14 batteries on a fitted belt that had a gooseneck light attached to it. It burned for an hour or so. I remember that light from back in the early 80's. Do they still exist?
May I suggest an HID light? I just got one from E-bay for $70 total, including shipping- and it is awesome. Weighs 9 lbs. Shoots a beam near 1/2 mile.
Put in "power on board" in quotes in e-bay. Danmann 220 is honest , and if he has any left- he will ship it in about 3 days to you. Made by Vector ( now black & decker) I think. You can also buy a great one from Amondo tech...model N-30 I think...smaller, has an led in the handle...great light too. about $150
LIghthouse is right.... HID puts the others to shame for the most part... or at least when talking about the common mans light..... as its only recently becoming common itself. You will find very long runtimes for the amount of light you get with the battery size considered.... they are pretty efficient.

LED's have taken a large step forward too, but your wanting the brightest for the money....

The Amondo N30 you may like better.. a little more money, "148.00" but an HID with NIMH instead of lead acid and 35Watts HID and very compact.

There are a few cheap ones that really cut the mustard pricewise, but you have a giant reflector to deal with.
Getting lots of lumens from a smaller reflector takes some engineering and the N30 does an excellent job for the money.... otherwise you can carry around a 9 inch reflector if you prefer!

I"m sure it makes you feel like a man to carry around 9 inches... just not real practical.... remember... size doesn't matter!
Its not real often you get to really use the whole 9 inches anyway.
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