Who likes the Jelly format?

I'm getting use to it but what's up with the spell correct thing? Maybe it's on my end but if Im trying to spell something like "light" and hit the wrong key it throws up something like windows or bus or something crazy like that. No biggie just letting people know if you see a post from me that you need a pocket Rosetta Stone to translate this is why.
Here's another one : can you not contrast the "quote" zone of a post MORE CLEARLY and UNAMBIGUOUSLY ?
Like coloring it a pale yellow or amarillo or hay or whatever. I just read the "marketplace is a desert" thread and had to go back and check 5 or 6 times if what I had read was a quotation or an actual comment. Having it in light-light grey (quote) as opposed to light grey (comment), and using basically the same font and font size in both zones, makes it just so bloody unnecessarily painful to read.


Holy Crap!!
Nit-pick much?
Well damn would ya look at that lol. Never used the reply button always the quote button.

Thanks, disregard my previous post. Nothing to see here people, move along now. :ROFLMAO:
"+Quote" is great when you want to quote multiple posts. Love that feature. :)

I also like being able to highlight text from a post and still have access to the quote/reply function -- but just for the highlighted portion. That's one of my favorite features in XenForo.
"+Quote" is great when you want to quote multiple posts. Love that feature. :)

I also like being able to highlight text from a post and still have access to the quote/reply function -- but just for the highlighted portion. That's one of my favorite features in XenForo.

True, maybe the quote button should be relabled "multi quote" and reply should be "quote".
At first every time I hit the reply I kept quoting the last person my screen was hovering over.
I finally figured out "oh that's the new quote, oh yeah" :ohgeez:

In my time here I have never seen what CPF looks like other than on a mobile screen so half of what many folks discuss about appearances I've never seen before. But I will say this, the new format has thusfar been the most mobile friendly I've tried. I used to use chrome to get the features of a CPU aspect but it always had quirks that this new format does not.

The only quirks now are iPhone and my search engine related but like with chrome I just got used to them.
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I remember a day when you could count on a pop up that basically said "are you sure you meant to push that button?" That was at a time I sometimes swore my computer was plotting against me.
IIRC, at the least, the quotation zone had a greater color contrast AND the font was italicized.

We all know how it works : everybody (or almost) says "Yeah, I'm fine with it, I got no problem, etc... and bla n bla ..." and then an easy change is made, and it's "Dang ! That is so much better ! I wonder why we dinnn't do that before ?!?".

And that toilet-roll logo is still a shocker to me...

Nevertheless, good day to y'all !
This is a site where you take a poll on favorite flavor of ice cream, and the voter names the flavor. If 1000 people answer it'll likely be less than 10 agree. It's just the nature of the members here, but at the same time it also highlights individuality of the members too. Nutin wrong wit dat.
Toilet roll logo?
Way I see it, it's a lit candle shaped as an electric thunderbolt. Making an electric candle so-to-speak, right? Humans have harnessed tools of the gods maybe?

Back when owner/operator was gelatinous, his/her responses were prompt. Now, in hayburner mode, clearly more important things are going on; hope it's not COVID related...

Speaking of polls (CPF alumnus fixer) Can anyone see how members could initiate a poll thread?
To me the new logo is an oxy-moron type of thing where the site now uses the latest, greatest technology with a colored pencil sketch'd logo. Old school looking.

To do a poll? I typed that quest into my favorite search engine and the responses I got……well let's just say this is a family friendly site so I'll leave it there. It was quite a surprise that's for sure. And nothing to do with starting a poll at candlepower forums.
Way I see it, it's a lit candle shaped as an electric thunderbolt. Making an electric candle so-to-speak, right? Humans have harnessed tools of the gods maybe?

Back when owner/operator was gelatinous, his/her responses were prompt. Now, in hayburner mode, clearly more important things are going on; hope it's not COVID related...

Speaking of polls (CPF alumnus fixer) Can anyone see how members could initiate a poll thread?
I just stumbled across that issue today as I was thinking about making a poll but don't see a way to do so here at all. I know in another forum using Xenforo the poll option looks like it is added after the edit/create section you have a sort of table/dialogue to initiate and setup one. It would be nice to see polls again that reflect how people here think and act with the current situation regarding lights and such. I have no interest in political type polls it would just be nice to see for example how many people are favoring what battery format/chemistry and maybe what percentage of lights people are buying online vs locally and also when it comes to lithium ion chemistry what percentage use it vs other chemistries in flashlights. Also how many people rarely use cell phone lights (I forget I have one most of the time).
I'm not sure we got a whole lot out of the polls in the sense that this type of board may be difficult to create polls. From what I've been seeing these days, the owner is doing other things rather than devoting a lot of time fixing stuff on CPF as he so masterfully did after the sale. For that matter, moderators in general have been taking quite a bit of time off from my perspective. Anyone seen Archimedes? Christmas Eve day at one time there were listed 12 members on. Christmas day 11. Usually we have over 20.
Even the total bots have dropped recently, not that I miss them..

I do miss reading Archie's CPF community interactions. Last seen July/Aug '21
Even the total bots have dropped recently, not that I miss them..

I do miss reading Archie's CPF community interactions. Last seen July/Aug '21
About time of the sale transition. Hope Archimedes is OK. He/she really did a lot of yeoman service, as well as imparting valuable experience and evenhanded moderating (Even though I personally don't follow the curve regarding not wanting/needing to have a lot of light as an experienced flashlighteroid).

One time I made a joke about member Stoneking's avatar image. Arch did not know about the Saturday Night Live Chris Farley skit about 'living in a van down by the river' joke; thought I was insulting Stoneking.