Who's favorite flashlight is the SureFire Aviator?

Well, I bit the bug and ordered the red version of the Aviator too. I noticed something very different about it. Compared to the Y/G model, the bezel of the red Aviator is less smoothe to turn/actuate and much more difficult to switch between white, off and red. The action is a little bit gritty and there's more resistance. Almost feels like there's too much friction but maybe that's supposed to be that way and it will wear in? There isn't any way to add lubrication to it that I can tell even if I wanted to.
I've used a Silicone dry lube on mine to improve it a bit when new.
May I ask how you got the lubrication physically into such a small crevice? I have the newer version of the aviator in which the bezel does not pull out and twist. It just twists it like and that's it. That gap is basically microscopic. I'm using an off brand ("Haynes") of Nyogel called Lubricant-Film which I believe would do the trick if I could get access to the moving parts.
Also, on your flashlight line up, I'm wondering what the A2-PP(R) model is? I had some of the original A2 Aviators back when they were incandescent and I know that there were many aftermarket mods, but unfortunately, I sold mine.😞
Two of mine require being pulled forward and two do not, but they will pull forward still and allow room to spray into.