The excitement has subsided, and the unique ground-breaking accomplishment has been all but forgotten. At times I wonder if many really remember the niche CMG has carved in flashlight history.
Mr. Bulk, you've probably noticed the outstanding little marvel called the Arc AAA. Imagine, a little LED light using a single cell, constructed of durable aluminum, and made to last. Have you noticed the similarity in the basic design and concept? The Arc was not the first of it's breed. The Infinity was. The Arc offers advantages in the way of brightness, and other improvements, but the Infinity was the trailblazer.
At a time that LED lights were long enough to be used as pool cues, CMG engineered a little light that didn't need the normal 3 cell configuration. They built a light with a DC to DC step-up converter that permitted a single cell to supply the required 3.6+ voltage needed to drive the lamp. With rock solid construction and an innovative concept there was plenty to be excited about.
It was exciting enough that I purchased one at the first opportunity when it was announced. Likewise, I purchased the Arc AAA immediately when it was introduced. To tell the truth, after seeing the similarity in design and concept, I wondered if there wasn't some relationship between Arc and CMG. I figured the similarity of design and concept were too close to be incidental. The Arc AAA, due to it's size and brightness, immediately replaced the Infinity in my pocket, but my excitement was for the concept introduced by the Infinity. I've since purchased several Infinity lights and Arcs, and both are very special lights.
And as Paul Harvey would say... now you know...