Different semiconductor technologies. The color depends upon the ingredients. The long wavelength (low frequency) colors like red and orange have been around longer and are better characterized (read: easier to manufacture). The short wavelength (high frequency) colors like blue and green require more difficult semiconductors that are a real pain to process.---Marc
The reason the words "blue" and "white" are more expensive has to do with licensing. When Microsoft decided to go with a blue sky with white clouds as one of their startup screens, they did not want any other companies to steal their idea. So, what they did was to copyright those words preventing any companies from using them to describe a startup screen for their program or OS. This resulted in many court battles as to whether or not a common word can be copyrighted. The courts finally decided (ie, bill gates paid them off) that the words "blue" and "white" COULD be copyrighted, but that only applied to the software industry. All other industries and private citizens can use the words blue and white at will. However, because Microsoft copyrighted them, everybody saw an inherent value to the words, thus the price increase.
You're welcome for the helpful reply,
I'm not real sure why this is in the LED forum, shoudln't this be in the Cafe?
Tater---Thanks for clarifying this issue. I wrongfully assumed that we were discussing LEDs in the LED/Laser forum.
BTW, Kodak trademarked the yellow color of their film boxes years before Bill Gates ever dreamed of marketing DOS.---Marc