Why I like the DIM flashlights (Sometimes!)!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 27, 2001
Houston, TX
OK, I was going to name this thread:

"Why I like the "Less than the Brightest" flashlights"
, but I thought using the word "DIM" would get more attention.

Now, don't get me wrong, I own an Optronics 2 Mil CP spotlight, two P/T Surge's, two Brinkmann Legend LX's (one with a Surefire P61 HOLA!), and two Mr. Bulk's LGI's, and like them all, but sometimes, depending on the situation, the "less bright" lights work very well, and anything more is overkill.

Like most people on CPF's, I am an ARC AAA fan, and own two, and it is my only truely EDC light, but last night, I had my CMG Infinity Ultra and my Opalec Newbeam by my bed. (I guess those lights would be my ENC Lights!) My dog heard something, and bolted out of the bed, leaving paw (claw) marks on top of my body, and I decided that it would be a good time to get a drink of water (and wait for the pain to subside)!

I started to grab the Opalec Newbeam, but thought I would use the CMG Infinity Ultra instead.

I turned it on, and was amazed, even though I have had it for a while. For a 1 Nichia LED, it put out a lot of light, and almost my entire field of view was lit up. I could see all the details of my room, and as I walked around my house, I could see everything, and it did not seem "dark" at all.

Know, I know that if I had all the lights on, and the power went out, a single Nichia LED light is not going to be effective. It's after your eyes get adjusted to the light, that a "dim" light, becomes a "bright" light.

And with walking at night, I am finding a similar situation. I prefer, even in high grass, and semi rough terrain, a bright LED (Like the Streamlight 3c, 10 LED or MR. Bulk's LGI). This type of light lights up a huge area directly in front of me, while still semi preserving my night vision. Now I still want/need a bright incandecent with me, because when something needs your full intention, the bright Incandencents just work much better.

My friend just got a new Streamlight Stinger HP, and started bringing it with her, when we would go walking our dogs at night. I would have my LGI with me, and I am continually amazed on how much light the LGI puts out. A nice, wide, huge field of very white, even light. Now, when she would turn on her Stinger HP, all the light from my LGI would, effectively "dissappear". Now the Stinger HP is a great light. Very bright (40,000 cp) and very very white, for an incandecent (no yellow light here!).

The reason why all the LGI light "dissappeared" was because the very bright light of the Stinger caused my pupils to constrict, and I lost my night vision.

Anyway, I just thought I would shar this with yall.

Before I became a flashoholic, if anyone told me a single AA (or AAA) light would be bright enought to light a room, I would have laughed at them! Now I do think that the characteristics of the LED light has a lot to do with my acceptance of this light (Wide, very white, very even light).

OK, time to leave work early for Thanksgiving!
Sure Bud!

The Mag Solitaire that used to ride around where my ARC AAA does is on my headboard for use to hit the can in the middle of the night (well after some thunking to get it to work!) and it does wonders for such a pissy yellow beam.

Just a reach away is an eye fryer just in case...
Playboy...oh the posibilities, oh the many posibilities...but I'm not going to say anything, I'm just going to sit here laughing my head off
Wholeheartedly agree. In fact, most lay-people's (ie. non flashahols) experiences with flashlights would be confined to what you just described as "dim".

The PT Surge can cause loss of your 'day' vision if switched on against a white background. That's when you know there is such a thing as 'too bright'.
I'm sorry. It's not commercially NAMED eye fryer.

It's just what I call anything overdriven and focused well.

In this case a 3C'd 2D Mag with a 4V Halogen Bulb.

Should I get the chance to pick up my Expeditions Spot I could well and truly fry your eyes!
Ok, I thought you were reffering to the EYEFRYER.
Of which I am the creator, and this is the light
that was stomped by the HID's in Kenshiro's superlight shootout. There Are only two in existance that I know of, and I was wondering how you got your hands on one. Anyway just a misunderstanding.

By the way, how does your 3c/2d mag mod compare in brightness to a Tec 40?
Brighter Hot Spot than my KPR103 bulbed Tec 40, but the Tec 40 is like nirvana of a beam. Good throw too.

Only reason a Mag is closest at hand is a one hand switch beats a twist the head ANY day (or night!).

The Stinger HP that oughta be here Friday or Saturday may take the Mags place....
I agree with the observations about dim lights. My most used light is a AA Mini-mag with a single 6400mcd LED and lithium batteries. It's about equal to my Arc AAA which is all the brightness that I usually need in a dark house. If I need to blind someone, I use my Surefire 6P instead.
I couldn't agree more. I also used to carry a 2 AAA mini-mag. The biggest problem I see with that light now is the beam. Even a dimmer Arc AAA or infinity ultra is so much easier to use and see with in the dark. It is just a nice even wash just about the size you need to see. If you try to get an incandescent the same size it has rings or is to bright in the "hotspot", then you can't see anything outside of the hotspot.

And people make fun of me for saying I use an Arc AAA for running at night. I live out in the country with no streetlights, so the Arc is fine for seeing the way, granted I usually carry an E2, just in case, but rarely use it, oh for an A2....
My yellow Infinity is the perfect nightlight for me. I tried the Pal, but it gave off too much light in the allways on mode...
No need to switch it on if you need a light, but a bit too bright for my nightstand.

My LE is just too bright for me when used indoors with my eyesight adapted.
I have a silly little disposable toy light that with a single red led that is activated by squeezing. While it is the a rediculus light there have been many times it was the only light that I could use without waking up others or killing my nightvision. I would like to an ARC AAA with a low output LED and a tighter beam
On a serious note...

About my Pissy Yellow Solitaire. It is getting more and more cantankerous. Would maybe using a pencil eraser up in the contact area help? hurt?

Would it have anything to do with anything?
I like the dimmer settings on my Photon3 for getting around the dark bedroom. It is surprising how LITTLE light you can get by with sometimes. I also use it with the same setting in my darkroom at work.

I have a Brinkmann Rebel hanging from my headboard. It points to the ceiling and is nice with that tailswitch. I also have a LW Illuminator hanging there, if I need a headlamp.

Budd makes an excellent point about how bright a single LED is when fully dark adapted. Even a regular Infinity is bright under these conditions.
More bright isn't always the most useful - true it is nice to have a light that will shine a 1/2 mile to see what's up ahead - there are ample lights out there that will handle this need. My personal favorite for quite a while has been the streamlight lightbox with the 20W bulb (bright) but with the square lens instead of the focused beam lens (diffused) - the result is an area light that is portable.

(the streamlight diffused lens makes a beam shape about that of a TV tube - rectangular - so with 20W of light over that area, you get a fairly even light level without the bright spot in the center found in most "beam" spotlights)

Lessening the contrast ratio this way makes using the light alot easier on the eyes up close (3-5 ') - but for 50'+ you need the more parabolic reflector.
For late-night use around the house, I use a Rayovac 2AA Industrial with a home-made led bulb using the 8,000mcd red nichia led. Lights *everything* up extremely well.....but doesn't wake up the household. The batteries last for years with this light. The other light I use for this purpose is the CMG Infinity in blue-green which hangs nicely around the neck.