Why Q4 L.E.D.


Newly Enlightened
Oct 4, 2009
i went to cree"s website and dont see the Q4 LED but they have a P4. where do you get the Q4's from and why not use the P4 instead.
Welcome to CPF, southernhunter12.

I'll move your thread to the LED section, which is where discussions about LEDs belong.

This is the Cree roadmap for the XR-E:

EDIT There is an updated chart on page 2 of Marduke's link. /EDIT

The P4 LED which was the early high production volume bin produces 80.6 lumens at 350 mA (center column). It is used as a reference bin as much early testing was done using it. Cree made a lot of them so there is still plenty of stock around. They tend to be still used in the really cheap flashlights sold through DX.

The current high volume production bin is the Q5. At 107 lumens at 350 mA it is some 32.75% brighter than the P4. A small number of LEDs that are better than normal is released as the R2.

The LEDs that are in between (Q2, Q3, Q4) are considered as either out of date technology or Q5s that do not make the grade so is no longer interesting. Also Cree was moving up the bins so fast that there is no overstock problem. Still a Q4 at 100 lumens is 25% better than a P4.


Since this thread was moved from the mods section I assume you wanted to buy LEDs to build something.

The brightest is the MC-E, but it is a power hog and the gaps between the dies create focussing problems.

Next is the brand new XP-G available in R3 to R5 bins. (Cutter got them)

Then the XR-E/XP-E R2. Harder to get but I think someone is selling them in CPFMP.

The standard for the whole last year was the Q5.

For a custom build or top dollar new flashlight, anything less than a Q5 is hardly used.
Unless you need a neutral or warm white tint, Then Q2, Q3, Q4 are acceptable. Neutral or warm white tint LEDs are dimmer than the cool white ones so have a lower bin #.
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Wow thanks alot LEDninja. that was a whole lot of help. im new and trying to learn. Im good at building things with my hands just not at this electronic stuff. but i work in a machine shop and made some heat sinks today maybe i can use.