will an E1 lamp fit in a E2 ?


Newly Enlightened
Jul 17, 2001
Mad WI
and could the two batteries be wired in parrallel to provide 3V with double capacity?
Yes, the lamp for the E1 and E2 are externally identical. So, if you could figure out how to get two 123's in parallel in the E2 barrel, your idea would work. ;-)However, Surefire has announced a reduced output lamp for the E2. This lamp was to put out 25 lumens for 3 hrs. The only problem is, Surefire is about 2 months past the date set to release this new lamp. I've spoken with one of the people a Surefire, and I was told that Surefire was having problems getting the lamp into production. Surefire doesn't make their own lamps, so it's actually a supplier problem. I last spoke with my contact at Surefire almost a month ago about the reduced power lamp for the E2, and I was told Surefire has 'absolutely no idea exactly when this lamp is going to be available'. Once this lamp is in production, you should be able to get more light than the 15 lumen E1 lamp, with an approx 22 to 25 lumen, for about a 3 hr burn time.

Many, many people are waiting for the reduced power E2 lamp to be available. I think it's very poor business to announce a new product, with a release date, when Surefire has no idea if and when the product is actually going to be available.
See also the SF board topic
E2 using E1 lamp, with the other loaded 123 as a spare ? @ http://discuss.surefire.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=9&t=000612

Some headway has been made on this proposal, but I for one, would like advice.
It seems that this option only offers 15 Lumens for 2x 90 minutes, so 3 hours in total.


Oh yeah, Go Go Gadget Flashlight, how are you old chap ?
GOSH, just suppose you stumble across this post ! What with you being an obliging knowledgeable kind of fellow !
Still, I expect you are terribly busy ......

(Best Regards)
The problem of wiring the batteries is no problem. An E1 lamp is on its way to me and after I test the performance and run time with the batteries in parallel I'll post pictures and details.

I'll have the lamp in a day or two, if not then, on Monday for sure.
roguesoul I know Surefire sort of depends on how much of a drop in voltage you get using 1 cell with the MN01 (E1 lamp). If you use 2 cells in parallel the voltage will be .1v or .2v higher, which will make the light brighter, but probably greatly reduce the life of the lamp. Surefire keeps telling us the MN02 (25 lumen, 2.5 hour) lamp for the E2 is due out this fall. I can't wait for that lamp.
Well as promised...
Click images for larger picture.

E1 with 1 battery

E1 with 2 batteries parallel

Compared to an E2

Parts for battery

Connect the batteries with copper foil/tape. Then insulate copper foil with electrical tape.

Copper tape is used in making stained glass windows, so that's where mine came from.
No burn times yet...

Aw, shucks !
Just when I was just about to post mine own pics ......

(EDIT - just thought I'd make clear that I wuz only *joking* - I hadn't even begun to do nothin'.)

roguesoul's using SF123's too

Nice stuff,

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Brock:
roguesoul I know Surefire sort of depends on how much of a drop in voltage you get using 1 cell with the MN01 (E1 lamp)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

And the inrush current will also be larger (which reduces lifetime even more). But experiments will tell.
But it should be easy to use rechargeable 2/3A cells in this light. They will have about the same voltage.
roguesoul, any chance you can measure the battery voltage and amperage with the light on in the 1 cell vs 2 cell versions?
This meter here doesn't measure amps. The only idea I had for measuring the voltage with the light on gave me a reading so low it can't be correct. How do you measure the voltage with the light on?
It is a pain to measure the voltage with the lamp on. I usually take the light apart and use algator clips to make the lamp come on and them meter the voltage at that point. It would be harder in the case of 2 123's in parallel it would take 6 hands in stead of 4. My wife always knows when I get another light because I make her hold some wires and batteris to get it all metered.
Reading that, doesn't Brock have a sweet wife ?
Imagine this - she comes back from a tough day in the ER, and Brock says "Honey, I got a new flashlight delivered today, just hold these alligators ...... "

The next day, someone might ask her "Heidi, what did you do yesterday evening ?"
Heidi: "Oh, I mostly helped Brock meter the amperage/voltage of some lamp and battery combinations - but I made him promise to buy me a new outfit ...... " )

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Brock:
It is a pain to measure the voltage with the lamp on. I usually take the light apart and use algator clips to make the lamp come on and them meter the voltage at that point.

You have to use big alligator clips to avoid additional voltage drop.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
It would be harder in the case of 2 123's in parallel it would take 6 hands in stead of 4.
In this case I also take the kids to help me .-)
Some time ago I had an universal battery holder made out of some wooden pieces and hot glue.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>You have to use big alligator clips to avoid additional voltage drop.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
You have that right
I use my homemade stranded #14 with copper clips. I also usually wiggle the clips to make sure they have a good contact. I also use a shunt in any load over 1/2 amp so the meter isn't messing with the results. Of course a battery could make more of a differnce, I use only very new ones for metering, less then 60 seconds of burn time on them. The only thing I can say for sure with my results is that they can be compared to one another.