Will my LS burn out?


Aug 4, 2001
would it be okay to use a plastic flashlight(same one as turtlelite 1) with the LEDCORP pro series 3 4-cell version bulb?
The manufacturer does not recommend it, and I'm sure there's a good reason for it.

If the lamp itself doesn't fail, it may get hot enough to melt parts of your flashlight, ruining it. At that point, the LED itself would probably have suffered irreparable damage and may operate dimmer and with a bluish tint afterwards, if it worked at all.

Since I don't have $40 to blow on such a test, I cannot say FOR CERTAIN what will happen. So all I can do is guess what *might* happen under a very bad to worst case scenario.
I spoke with John at Ledcorp about this, and I guess it's pretty much okay...

I mean, of course using the 4-cell bulb in a maglite would be better, but isn't the bulb in the maglite directly in contact with plastic and NOT the aluminum anyway???

Since the 3 and 4 cell pro bulbs have resistors in them, it's also okay to run them with a bit more power, although you should make sure they're heat sinked somewhat...

Craig, do you think the probulb shouldn't be used in plastic flashlights? I mean, the manufacuter recommends maglites, but I don't think these bulbs were made for aluminum flashlights only. They are being underdriven, so I would think it's okay to use it in any flashlight, as long as you're not overdriving them too much...