Will the ROP low lamp melt stock reflector?

Jul 27, 2006
Raleigh, NC
Can I use a stock reflector with the 3854 low lamp? I might only use it for one or two minutes at a time. I'm wondering how long it will take the ROP low lamp to damage a stock Mag 2D plastic reflector.

Thank you!
10 minutes to warpage. If you left it on till the batteries ran dead it might catch fire. Thus: my advice is to not forget it on and lock it out somehow when in transport or not in use. Also don't loan this light to anyone who isn't like us.
I'm using the High lamp in my formal 6D ROP project. Just wanted make use of the low lamp instead of putting it in the tail cap. One or two minutes is all I really need for run time. And, this is sort of an experiment anyway. You see, there is this nice red 2D sitting on my desk that really needed some attention and I'm building a 6AA to 2D adaptor for it. Eventually it will have all the right stuff but for now I just don't want it sitting around loafing off.
Go for it. Like carbine15 said, you can easily run the light for ~5min constant without damaging the reflector. I have a ROP low in a 2C with the stock reflector, using it in short bursts I have not had any problems with the reflector. Like the others mentioned, ~10min+ burns will start to melt it though...so keep that in mind :)
To be safe, unscrew the tailcap a couple of turns when not using. Or...put a 5 cell krypton lamp in your 2D and forget about it. Either way, you win. Good luck.
I used an ROP high LE in a 2C with stock reflector and only had it slightly warp right near the bulb. It actually died because the center contact of the bulb melted into the socket and shorted it out, I didnt have any problems getting it out once I realized what happened but I stopped using the high bulb.
I think the stock reflector should be OK with the low bulb as long as you dont use it for extended periods of time, more than 5 Min straight. I would just check it every few minutes the first time you use it for awhile it its not warped after 5 min try it for 7 or 8, then 10 at the first sign of warping you know your limit and cut it off a little before that.
Hey all,

Just a few quick questions about the ROP mods - and since my question is to do with heat etc I thought this would be the best place to post it!

So for the ROP, I have a 2D Mag, a couple of 6aa>2d adapters, an alumin reflector. Just wondering do I need a switch that can handle the heat (like Mag85) or can the stock switch handle it? Also I've used all my Boro len's... Just wondering if a UCL can handle the temp etc or would the Boro be better?
The stock switch is good enough, and a ucl lens can handle the heat unless you are in a very cold area, its not the heat thats the problem its going between very cold and very hot, so it should be fine as long as its not extremely cold, and after using it for a while dont cool it quickly like having it on and hot then put it under cold water. If any of these things might happen go with the Boro but I don't think the ROP is hot enough to cause problems with a UCL under normal conditions
Speaking of reflectors for the ROP 4D - what is camed and camless and what is the difference? - what is MOP, LS or any other that i have no idea and which do you suggest? :confused:
Abrams.357 said:
Speaking of reflectors for the ROP 4D - what is camed and camless and what is the difference? - what is MOP, LS or any other that i have no idea and which do you suggest? :confused:
Here's how I understand it.

The cammed reflectors retain the focusing mechanism of the stock mag. Without the cam you have two options. First, you can have a fixed focus light. The switch spring will push the bulb holder up against the base of the reflector and the position of the bulb is fixed within the reflector. You adjust the position with shims to tweak the beam. Another option with camless is to lock the switch slide mechanism in place and then you can focus by screwing the head in and out. My Malkoff modded Mag works that way, and I like it.

MOP is Medium Orange Peel, LS is Light Stipple. Both smooth out the beam artifacts at the expense of throw. More texture = smoother beam and less throw. I've tried a VLOP (very light orange peel) and MOP in my ROP (love these acronyms) and prefer the MOP. It still throws like crazy. YMMV :grin2:

I recommend the fivemega reflectors. I have two and they're beautifully made. Get a dual function one and you can go cammed or camless.
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George M said:
Here's how I understand it.

The cammed reflectors retain the focusing mechanism of the stock mag. Without the cam you have two options. First, you can have a fixed focus light. The switch spring will push the bulb holder up against the base of the reflector and the position of the bulb is fixed within the reflector. You adjust the position with shims to tweak the beam. Another option with camless is to lock the switch slide mechanism in place and then you can focus by screwing the head in and out. My Malkoff modded Mag works that way, and I like it.

MOP is Medium Orange Peel, LS is Light Stipple. Both smooth out the beam artifacts at the expense of throw. More texture = smoother beam and less throw. I've tried a VLOP (very light orange peel) and MOP in my ROP (love these acronyms) and prefer the MOP. It still throws like crazy. YMMV :grin2:

I recommend the fivemega reflectors. I have two and they're beautifully made. Get a dual function one and you can go cammed or camless.

+1 good explanation!
I have 1 VLOP from fivemega and I have just ordred from him the MOP to use in my mag85 both dual function and works great!
George M said:
I recommend the fivemega reflectors. I have two and they're beautifully made. Get a dual function one and you can go cammed or camless.

OK i'm a newbie-- what fivemega wrote to include in palpal note: CPF ID handle--- whats your Candle Power Forums ID handle, is it for example Abrams.357 for me?:shrug:
Abrams.357 said:
OK i'm a newbie-- what fivemega wrote to include in palpal note: CPF ID handle--- whats your Candle Power Forums ID handle, is it for example Abrams.357 for me?:shrug:

Yes that is your ID he wants. Write out your order in the paypal note, and also in the thread of what you are buying indicating what paypal was sent for.