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Beautiful - this is the Black Nickel Plate (also known as "oil-slick") mule. This was the first custom light I saw and was directed over the the custom area - at that time the oil-slick mules were all sold out. S I bought a regular one (EN plated). So when I bought my Ti Mule (cannot easily remove LED in the Ti mule) I sold my EN plated mule - I eventually posted a WTB & picked one up.
FYI these were originally sold with a rubber "button" that was quite hard to push - kind of turned me off. McGizmo has a different "button" (very very easy to change) that makes it very easy to push, I got one from him for $1 and a self addressed stamped envelope.
Light Engines for these mules just screw in / unscrew out.
There are no titanium McGizmo Aleph Mules. There is a titanium PD Mule, but it doesn't have interchangeable light engines. Don created the SunDrop as a replacement for the Mule, and it is made of titanium.EDIT: I see all the pics now. Do you have any more pics EJJ?
Is this Mule Ti?
:wave: Let me know if you change your mind as I am interested in this light. Thank You Karl Interested in any trading?