woohoo ice storm


*the raggedier*
Aug 11, 2003
well i hope it does no damage but i hope the electricity on my steet goes out i see ice on wires now i was out a bit ago with lion heart shineing it looks cool shineing in ice also i bearthed in beam and it looked very cool ..but electricity is still on
I'm over on the coast, it's raining here too but the outside temperature is just over 36 so it's not freezing yet. I can imagine that the signs that we laugh at 363 days out of the year that say "bridge freezes before road" might actually be right today though...

We were thinking of going out later, and maybe to dinner tonight, but depending on the temperature and the continuing rain, I think we'll postpone. being from Chicago and Wisconsin I'm confident in my own driving abilities, but people around here start doing very strange things in cars when the temperature is this low and there is any kind of precipitation...
Oh boy. Its sleeting here as I type.

I received a warning from someone that my comments in another topic may cost me my job. Little does that person know I was out one day and late the first three I started my new job from the last snow storm we had and week two is likely to be a repeat of week one.

So much for any vacation time, holidays, etc later in the year. Thats assuming I am not fired for my comments or lateness from the snow. I depend on the paratransit service incase you are wondering or would give suggestions to driving on ice.

Yep, charging up all spare batteries, both powered wheelchairs so I have 3400 watts of power to blow and plenty of shelf food to eat. Lucky I have a gas stove that does not need power to work.
Drivers in Dallas like to pretend that nothing has changed when there's ice on the roads and keep trying to make zero-margin lane chnges and drive in their usual "binary" style - full acceleration or full braking with little inbetween.

Needless to say it's days like those that keep the body shops afloat.
It is not something I deal with often here but when it happens there always seem to lots of folks trying to drive like nothing is different.
Topper /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Raggie, you're a rascal! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crackup.gif

Full blown flashaholism. You inspire me. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
idleprocess said:
..."binary" style - full acceleration or full braking with little inbetween.

[/ QUOTE ]

"Binary" driving... lol! I'm gonna remember that term. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Had a little sleet earlier in the day. They say freezing rain will hit later tonight. Love that "binary" style term, idleprocess. I've long accused my wife of driving like that.

Its the same here. over 300 accidents when the stuff hits the ashpault. Many suvs in the gardrails or flipped over in the shoulder area, small cars rear ending each other, a few 2wd suvs in the medium and slow traffic. My 17 minute commuite took 3 hours. It was bumper to bumper traffic, no idea as to why everyone was driving soo slow.

My favorite style of driving is from a song, "one foot on the brakes and one on the gas".
Out here in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, the freezing rain is coming down. Supposed to be 1/4" of ice covering everything in the morning. And possible power outages. We don't care as we burn wood for heat and have lots of flashlights around....tho I am thinking of installing a small solar PV system this year.
Just had a power outage here in GA... Whoo hoo!
Wifey had guest over so I planted about a dozen lights all over the
house. The best was the arc aa's on to top over every door trim.

"binary" driving style. Oh, my. I believe we have an immediate classic coinage. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/clap.gif

Can I use that? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crackup.gif
Looks like the storm fizzled over VA. We had mainly rain. My power went out in the night, but it was quick as I did not notice it except for the fact my clocks were blinking.

I signed up for three shifts Monday, if I mis, thats 3 tardy or late, absent counts against me.
3 shifts? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif
I have done many 2 shift (16 hour) workdays as a security officer, but not 3.
Maybe I misunderstood something here. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/icon3.gif
Idunno /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/yellowlaugh.gif

Raggie33 , how is the weather where you are at now?
I first heard the term "binary" driving from my father. He's a programmer, so it's quite 1likely that he coined the term.

Since I can't think of any way to extract... er, collect royalties from anyone, go ahead and use it.
Sorry, a shift is 4 hours. I am part time, but can sign up for extra shifts based on the work load versus folks not taking time off.