Words to Live By.

Not going to disagree that gunpowder has allowed for the safety of some individuals as a force multiplier as it relates to guns allowing the weak to defend against a strong aggressor. Still, countless millions have been killed since the discovery of gunpowder.
Gunpowder is a Thing.
It has no moral compass.
It is not evil.
It is not good
Gunpowder has killed zero people.
Guns have killed zero people.
Those who use those things for killing others (outside of self-defense) are the ones who have killed "countless millions."

Place any solid, inanimate object on a table, it will stay there.... Not killing anyone, on its own.
Yes, dynamite has had it's advantages. Yet, the creator regretted it's destructive potential enough to start the Nobel Peace Prize.
He started the Prize because he knew NOTHING of human psychology. He believed that his discovery would make war so horrific, so horrendous; that war itself would be abolished from the face of this planet. So, he sold it freely to every nation on Earth. Becoming obscenely wealthy. When he finally realized how wrong he was, Alfred Nobel did not want his legacy to be that of the biggest murderer who ever existed. So, he created the Peace Prize, and named it after himself.

It was a Public relations gimmick! And, it worked for a very long time. Until the Peace Prize committee awarded it one year to a recognized and very popular terrorist leader.

Edit: Clarification.
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I'm not an anti gunner, just so you know. I was a martial arts instructor for many years with 21 years of training (5th Dan Master Instructor in Tang Soo Do). I trained many people to defend themselves against people larger than themselves in California, where unfortunately gun rights are very limited. We are on the same side on guns. Some of my students went into the military or became police officers. I'm very proud of their service. I wish our government would fully recognize our right to defend ourselves instead of punishing law abiding citizens instead of criminals. Guns have been created. There's no going back to before they weren't, so it's best that they be in the hands of moral law abiding citizens to stop bad guys.

The point I was making was that people make decisions to come up with these types of inventions/advancements thinking it's the moral thing to do, apart from God, and it leads to death and suffering. Does a gun help a woman against a man trying to rape or kill her? Absolutely. Would Hitler, Chairman Mao, or any other mass murderer have been able to kill as many people if guns, dynamite, mustard gas, or other weapons had not been created? Probably not. Weapons are force multipliers. In the right hands, they are a blessing. In the wrong hands, they are a curse. We are living in a world decimated by sin which causes suffering.

Without God, people today can't tell you that it's wrong to kill a baby, what a woman is, if it's a crime to steal under $950 in California, or if it's wrong to mutilate a child without parental consent. The increase in wickedness has tipped the scales for these inventions from good to bad in many respects. That does not mean I would ever want to tip the scales the wrong way by taking weapons away from the moral God fearing people that should have them the most.
I'm not an anti gunner, just so you know. I was a martial arts instructor for many years with 21 years of training (5th Dan Master Instructor in Tang Soo Do). I trained many people to defend themselves against people larger than themselves in California, where unfortunately gun rights are very limited. We are on the same side on guns. Some of my students went into the military or became police officers. I'm very proud of their service. I wish our government would fully recognize our right to defend ourselves instead of punishing law abiding citizens instead of criminals. Guns have been created. There's no going back to before they weren't, so it's best that they be in the hands of moral law abiding citizens to stop bad guys.

The point I was making was that people make decisions to come up with these types of inventions/advancements thinking it's the moral thing to do, apart from God, and it leads to death and suffering. Does a gun help a woman against a man trying to rape or kill her? Absolutely. Would Hitler, Chairman Mao, or any other mass murderer have been able to kill as many people if guns, dynamite, mustard gas, or other weapons had not been created? Probably not. Weapons are force multipliers. In the right hands, they are a blessing. In the wrong hands, they are a curse. We are living in a world decimated by sin which causes suffering.

Without God, people today can't tell you that it's wrong to kill a baby, what a woman is, if it's a crime to steal under $950 in California, or if it's wrong to mutilate a child without parental consent. The increase in wickedness has tipped the scales for these inventions from good to bad in many respects. That does not mean I would ever want to tip the scales the wrong way by taking weapons away from the moral God fearing people that should have them the most.

This is the basic problem, imho.
I still favor the classic "Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach."

Offense to teachers meant. Is there any other reason why the "greatest generation" was a bunch of doers and not teachers?

Where are we now?
I'm not an anti gunner, just so you know. I was a martial arts instructor for many years with 21 years of training (5th Dan Master Instructor in Tang Soo Do). I trained many people to defend themselves against people larger than themselves in California, where unfortunately gun rights are very limited. We are on the same side on guns. Some of my students went into the military or became police officers. I'm very proud of their service. I wish our government would fully recognize our right to defend ourselves instead of punishing law abiding citizens instead of criminals. Guns have been created. There's no going back to before they weren't, so it's best that they be in the hands of moral law abiding citizens to stop bad guys.
I mostly agree. Just two things though....
Not only can we not go back, but doing so won't benefit the world. I'm trained in RBSD. We don't have Dans. Getting to your rank would take most people many years of constant practice and training. While there's absolutely nothing wrong with that at all. It doesn't benefit a person who gets violently assaulted months, weeks, or days after choosing to take up Martial Arts. Some of the best martial artists I've met over the years, I always got the impression that those men would have excelled regardless of which particular Art they had chosen.

And, I do mean men. A highly trained woman might be able to handle a skinny drunken guy who wants to cop a feel. But realistically unarmed skills against an average man is going to end in disaster for the average woman. Unfortunately, many of the women who sign-up for the Female-Only Basic firearms class at the school I also teach at, are victims of assault. You'd be surprised how many are accomplished martial artists who believed they didn't need a gun. Didn't need training in its use.

One of them was there because her boyfriend got sick & tired of trying to explain to her that no, she couldn't take him down with her martial arts skills alone. She was very skinny. Barely 110 pounds soaking wet. He was a professional weight-lifter and over 6' tall. Easily over 200 pounds. One night she got angry, and insisted they go at it. Full bore! Obviously she was trying to prove a point. After moving some furniture around to create space, the predictable happened.... After he let her go, he spent the rest of the night comforting her as she cried in his arms while shaking almost uncontrollably. Learned a very hard lesson. She was a very accomplished martial artist too. Boyfriend confided in me that he didn't even use his full strength when he pinned her down. Not surprised by that.

It isn't just those who are physically weaker. It's also defending against multiple attackers at once. There just isn't anything that works better than a handgun. Maybe a large canister of pepperspray the size of a mini fire-extinguisher. But those are too big and bulky to EDC.

The problem isn't that gun-powder exists. It existed in China for literally hundreds of years before anyone thought of weaponizing it. Originally used for fireworks and celebrations. No, the issue is Humanity in general. No reason for anyone to be upset that gun-powder was discovered. Being upset at those who use it for murderous evil and destroy innocent lives? Different story. Be upset at the horrendous lack of morals that Humanity has, in general. Alfred Nobel learned that lesson the hard way. If most of Humanity was made up of God-fearing Christians who actually obeyed HIS Word, all those millions of deaths you mentioned earlier never would have taken place; even with the existence of gun-powder and guns.
The point I was making was that people make decisions to come up with these types of inventions/advancements thinking it's the moral thing to do, apart from God, and it leads to death and suffering. Does a gun help a woman against a man trying to rape or kill her? Absolutely. Would Hitler, Chairman Mao, or any other mass murderer have been able to kill as many people if guns, dynamite, mustard gas, or other weapons had not been created? Probably not. Weapons are force multipliers. In the right hands, they are a blessing. In the wrong hands, they are a curse. We are living in a world decimated by sin which causes suffering.
Ironically you pointed out the truth, yet you still seem to believe that the accidental creation of gun-powder in the 9th Century is still an issue. No, you can't blame an inanimate object. Evil world leaders are left alone by the good ones to commit evil. THAT right there is the issue. Good people do nothing! That's the problem. Not any creation, not any inanimate object. Humanity in general is so disgustingly evil that if any of the things you mentioned above didn't exist.... Humanity would find a way to murder millions of people, anyway. After all, humanity is very creative in the methods it thinks up to murder and torture each other. As Chauncy pointed out above, those inventions can be used to benefit Humanity.
Without God, people today can't tell you that it's wrong to kill a baby, what a woman is, if it's a crime to steal under $950 in California, or if it's wrong to mutilate a child without parental consent. The increase in wickedness has tipped the scales for these inventions from good to bad in many respects. That does not mean I would ever want to tip the scales the wrong way by taking weapons away from the moral God fearing people that should have them the most.
1,000% agree with your last paragraph.
The moral decay in America is beyond disgustingly obscene.
I still favor the classic "Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach."

Offense to teachers meant. Is there any other reason why the "greatest generation" was a bunch of doers and not teachers?

Where are we now?
Unfortunately nearly all of them are deceased.
Their knowledge, morals, and upbringing went with them.

They were passed on, taught to, and instilled in me, and are alive to this day.

...and by the way, in my case some of them were teachers.
In you.... Look around. You can't honestly say that the collective knowledge, morals, character, and upbringing of the greatest generation exists in most of American Society, today.
I mostly agree. Just two things though....
Not only can we not go back, but doing so won't benefit the world. I'm trained in RBSD. We don't have Dans. Getting to your rank would take most people many years of constant practice and training. While there's absolutely nothing wrong with that at all. It doesn't benefit a person who gets violently assaulted months, weeks, or days after choosing to take up Martial Arts. Some of the best martial artists I've met over the years, I always got the impression that those men would have excelled regardless of which particular Art they had chosen.

And, I do mean men. A highly trained woman might be able to handle a skinny drunken guy who wants to cop a feel. But realistically unarmed skills against an average man is going to end in disaster for the average woman. Unfortunately, many of the women who sign-up for the Female-Only Basic firearms class at the school I also teach at, are victims of assault. You'd be surprised how many are accomplished martial artists who believed they didn't need a gun. Didn't need training in its use.

One of them was there because her boyfriend got sick & tired of trying to explain to her that no, she couldn't take him down with her martial arts skills alone. She was very skinny. Barely 110 pounds soaking wet. He was a professional weight-lifter and over 6' tall. Easily over 200 pounds. One night she got angry, and insisted they go at it. Full bore! Obviously she was trying to prove a point. After moving some furniture around to create space, the predictable happened.... After he let her go, he spent the rest of the night comforting her as she cried in his arms while shaking almost uncontrollably. Learned a very hard lesson. She was a very accomplished martial artist too. Boyfriend confided in me that he didn't even use his full strength when he pinned her down. Not surprised by that.

It isn't just those who are physically weaker. It's also defending against multiple attackers at once. There just isn't anything that works better than a handgun. Maybe a large canister of pepperspray the size of a mini fire-extinguisher. But those are too big and bulky to EDC.
Sorry to hear about the woman. She was not properly trained. Most fighters insist you play things their way. This is often mixed martial arts, the worst way imaginable to fight. First, you're always assuming it's one on one. In real life, everybody has a friend. Second, it goes from sparring to wresting, which makes it a matter of who's strongest wins. Thirdly, it ends up on the ground. This is where in real life if you do win, that fighters buddies are kicking you in the head. Again, remember everyone has a friend. If you aren't training to defend against multiple attackers at the outset, your training is :poop:.

First lesson in Tang Soo Do. Distancing. Know how far a bad guy can hit you from and stay farther back. Use stopping kicks (front snap kick, side kick) to first initiate an attack (when they move in on you) to keep your distance. Then follow up with more attacks until the threat is neutralized. Stay off the ground at all costs.

If there are two attackers, line them up. Fight the one in front only, using them to block the other from getting to you. If you are surrounded by several attackers, pick one, knock him down with a flying side kick, and run out of the circle through the gap he fell down in and go get help.

As for a woman not being able to take down a larger man, they need to be trained in joint compliance. You lock up a joint to the point where the assailant has a choice between having something broken or falling down (usually the wrist or elbow). The body will force them to go down because of the pain. Don't tell me a woman can't be trained to take down a larger man. I taught a 16 year old girl how to flip me hard, repeatedly (Hapkido moves). At the time, I weighted 260.

For dealing with guns close up, you need Krav Maga training. For farther away, you better have a gun yourself.
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Sorry to hear about the woman. She was not properly trained. Most fighters insist you play things their way. This is often mixed martial arts, the worst way imaginable to fight. First, you're always assuming it's one on one. In real life, everybody has a friend. Second, it goes from sparring to wresting, which makes it a matter of who's strongest wins. Thirdly, it ends up on the ground. This is where in real life if you do win, that fighters buddies are kicking you in the head. Again, remember everyone has a friend. If you aren't training to defend against multiple attackers at the outset, your training is :poop:.
True. My main point is, not everyone has time to train. Also, folks with physical disabilities along with the elderly are at a very real disadvantage.
First lesson in Tang Soo Do. Distancing. Know how far a bad guy can hit you from and stay farther back. Use stopping kicks (front snap kick, side kick) to first initiate an attack (when they move in on you) to keep your distance. Then follow up with more attacks until the threat is neutralized. Stay off the ground at all costs.
Most attacks happen at intimate range, or very up-close and personal. When there's a weight and strength difference, staying off the ground becomes almost an impossibility. Ground fighting training is a must! Can't end up like a turtle on one's back.
If there are two attackers, line them up. Fight the one in front only, using them to block the other from getting to you. If you are surrounded by several attackers, pick one, knock him down with a flying side kick, and run out of the circle through the gap he fell down in and go get help.
On the streets, you won't be able to line anyone up.
A flying side-kick is unrealistic in a street fight.
Especially the elderly or those with health/mobility issues.
It's also a great way to get punched in the crotch by a trained fighter.
As for a woman not being able to take down a larger man, they need to be trained in joint compliance. You lock up a joint to the point where the assailant has a choice between having something broken or falling down (usually the wrist or elbow). The body will force them to go down because of the pain. Don't tell me a woman can't be trained to take down a larger man.
Joint compliance assumes she can get her hands on said joints.
Real world, if she can; maybe he'll go down. But he's going to drag her down with him. Then get on top of her. Also, even getting a hold on a joint for joint manipulation is a fantasy in the real world. No one is reaching out several feet away at slow motion for a body part to be easily grabbed.

Sure a woman can be trained to take down a larger man.... In a very controlled setting where the man is assisting her and not actually trying to hurt her.
I taught a 16 year old girl how to flip me hard, repeatedly (Hapkido moves). At the time, I weighted 260.
And when you were lifted off the ground, did you instinctively grab onto her and take her over with you? I doubt it. You were both in a controlled environment and you were cooperating with her. That doesn't mean it's going to work out in the real world.
For dealing with guns close up, you need Krav Maga training. For farther away, you better have a gun yourself.
Krav Maga is a great way.... to get shot.
Up close, shove your thumb in the spot behind trigger.
Extremely difficult to insert your thumb there.
And, your thumb will be crushed. But you'll live.
Running away, not in a straight line is a better tactic.
If someone pulls out a gun some distance away.
Don't commit suicide trying to outdraw someone.
Your gun is in a holster, theirs is already out.
I had to take a ibuprofen, after reading all that my muscles ache!
I miss jtr1962.
I know he's in morning.
Two of us rarely agreed at all.
Our civil, polite, mutual respect disagreements on CPF would put an unabridged dictionary to shame if they were written out on paper.

Greta probably had to jack up the character limit for one post, years ago because of the two of us. But I hope he returns to CPF one day.
True. My main point is, not everyone has time to train. Also, folks with physical disabilities along with the elderly are at a very real disadvantage.
There are techniques that are effective for the elderly and disabled. Strikes to the instep (stomp), groin strikes, pokes to eyes, etc. can be effective and don't require flexibility or much training. Use your strengths against your opponent's weaknesses. If they are bigger than you, that means their kicks won't work in close where yours will. Get in close and keep pounding. If they are shorter than you, use your stopping kicks (front snap kick, side kick) to hold them back so they never reach you.
Most attacks happen at intimate range, or very up-close and personal. When there's a weight and strength difference, staying off the ground becomes almost an impossibility. Ground fighting training is a must! Can't end up like a turtle on one's back.
Three ranges taught at white belt:
Close- step back, block, follow up with attacks
Midrange (one step back)- step in, block, follow up
Far range (two steps back)- stopping kick, step down forward and block, then follow up
For starting out, open the bad guy up on all blocks (arm swings toward outside of body) leaving wide open targets. Makes it easier for beginners to hit something when everything is available to hit.

As for ground training, never intentionally take the fight to the ground. If you fall down, get on your side. Tuck your bottom leg under and bring the top leg up ready to kick for a side kick. Have your bottom forearm on the ground as a stable base. Bring your top hand up as a guard. Keep the attacker in front of you. If they move, rotate on your bottom arm so your body rotates back. If they move in the opposite direction, flip over to the other side, then rotate back. When they move in, kick. Once you've bought yourself some time from the strike, quickly stand back up. Continue the fight.
On the streets, you won't be able to line anyone up.
You can try. We used to practice a drill in training. Take a flag, handkerchief, or short piece of belt and tuck it in the back of one student's belt. Two other students would then have to try to get that "belt". If the one student got the two lined up, they won. If either other student got the belt, that student won. Losers got pushups. No sparring was done at the same time. Students quickly learned, don't run through the middle.
A flying side-kick is unrealistic in a street fight.
Especially the elderly or those with health/mobility issues.
It's also a great way to get punched in the crotch by a trained fighter.
Hop front snap kick to the groin works too (keeping guards up).
Joint compliance assumes she can get her hands on said joints.
Real world, if she can; maybe he'll go down. But he's going to drag her down with him. Then get on top of her. Also, even getting a hold on a joint for joint manipulation is a fantasy in the real world. No one is reaching out several feet away at slow motion for a body part to be easily grabbed.

Sure a woman can be trained to take down a larger man.... In a very controlled setting where the man is assisting her and not actually trying to hurt her.
How hard is it to step back with an in to out open handed block (blocking a high punch to the face), closing the opponent up, grab his hand with the blocking hand, then step in with an out to in block to the straightened elbow, and push it to the ground?
And when you were lifted off the ground, did you instinctively grab onto her and take her over with you? I doubt it. You were both in a controlled environment and you were cooperating with her. That doesn't mean it's going to work out in the real world.
I couldn't grab anything because at the tipping point, I was crossed up, off balance, using either arm would cause pain to the one locked up, and the student was off to my side and a bit behind me where I couldn't reach. She was effectively trained. You don't teach a weaker student to flip someone by picking up a heavier student. You teach them to use the person's own weight as leverage against their joints and let gravity do the rest.
Krav Maga is a great way.... to get shot.
Up close, shove your thumb in the spot behind trigger.
Extremely difficult to insert your thumb there.
And, your thumb will be crushed. But you'll live.
Running away, not in a straight line is a better tactic.
If someone pulls out a gun some distance away.
Don't commit suicide trying to outdraw someone.
Your gun is in a holster, theirs is already out.
No. Redirect the line of fire by smacking it off to the side. Take control of the weapon with both hands at the side. Several kicks to the groin to loosen their grip of the weapon. Take the weapon. This usually involves breaking their trigger finger and may discharge the weapon, so make sure you and nobody else is in the line of fire for this step. Again, this is for up close situations only. If you can't reach the weapon, you better have one yourself.
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There are techniques that are effective for the elderly and disabled. Strikes to the instep (stomp), groin strikes, pokes to eyes, etc. can be effective and don't require flexibility or much training. Use your strengths against your opponent's weaknesses.
A lot of elderly or disabled folks aren't going to be able to stomp effectively. Elderly person lifts up a leg, just makes it that much easier to knock them over. And, some disabled folks are in wheel-chairs. Groin strikes? Every man as a child has learned to instinctively protect the family jewels after getting hit a couple of times there. Plus, the most experienced street fighters learn to always wear a cup when out and about. I just think it's easier to avoid rougher neighborhoods. Eye-poke not very effective against those wearing glasses or sunglasses. Especially if we're talking very up-close range.
If they are bigger than you, that means their kicks won't work in close where yours will. Get in close and keep pounding. If they are shorter than you, use your stopping kicks (front snap kick, side kick) to hold them back so they never reach you.
Kicking can be effective under certain circumstances. But up-close, a big guy would just use his fists or grab an individual.
Three ranges taught at white belt:
Close- step back, block, follow up with attacks
Midrange (one step back)- step in, block, follow up
Far range (two steps back)- stopping kick, step down forward and block, then follow up
For starting out, open the bad guy up on all blocks (arm swings toward outside of body) leaving wide open targets. Makes it easier for beginners to hit something when everything is available to hit.
Sorry but my experiences are different. Encounters happen very up-close. Rarely do individuals face each other, and the bad guy will distract before attacking. Speed and violent aggression trumps technique any day of the week. Learned that from a Vietnam Lieutenant who recalled the story of how he and his men got overrun one night. When his ammo ran out, he used his Buck 120 General. Spray-painted black with tape around the handle. Ice-pick grip.... Just went at it. No technique. And, he had martial arts training. He was wounded but literally survived to tell the tale.
As for ground training, never intentionally take the fight to the ground.
Never intentionally, but it's hard not to end up down there.
If you fall down, get on your side. Tuck your bottom leg under and bring the top leg up ready to kick for a side kick. Have your bottom forearm on the ground as a stable base. Bring your top hand up as a guard. Keep the attacker in front of you. If they move, rotate on your bottom arm so your body rotates back. If they move in the opposite direction, flip over to the other side, then rotate back. When they move in, kick. Once you've bought yourself some time from the strike, quickly stand back up. Continue the fight.
Best technique for sure. But if his buddies start stomping you, hook the back of his ankle with your lower foot, then kick his leg with your other foot. Keep him hooked in. Once he falls over, one less attacker to deal with with. I do need to point out that this is a very dangerous technique as your attacker is most likely to fall backwards, hit his head on the concrete, and expire. Should only be done in the worst case scenario.
You can try. We used to practice a drill in training. Take a flag, handkerchief, or short piece of belt and tuck it in the back of one student's belt. Two other students would then have to try to get that "belt". If the one student got the two lined up, they won. If either other student got the belt, that student won. Losers got pushups. No sparring was done at the same time. Students quickly learned, don't run through the middle.
I hear what you're saying but with respect, such a technique isn't realistic. Also, lining up two guys means you can't get a good look at the one behind his buddy. He might have drawn a weapon.
Hop front snap kick to the groin works too (keeping guards up).
Under certain circumstances it would.
How hard is it to step back with an in to out open handed block (blocking a high punch to the face), closing the opponent up, grab his hand with the blocking hand, then step in with an out to in block to the straightened elbow, and push it to the ground?
Honestly, very hard against a determined, rage-filled individual coming at the defender full-bore. Toss in the possibly that he's got a weapon, and the brown stuff is about to hit the fan.
I couldn't grab anything because at the tipping point, I was crossed up, off balance, using either arm would cause pain to the one locked up, and the student was off to my side and a bit behind me where I couldn't reach. She was effectively trained. You don't teach a weaker student to flip someone by picking up a heavier student. You teach them to use the person's own weight as leverage against their joints and let gravity do the rest.
I'm sorry but in the real world, that's not happening. Again, it was a very controlled, safe environment. I don't even want to think about what that 16 year-old would face if she tried some sort of technique and did indeed manage to hurt a much bigger, male attacker. He'd become absolutely enraged at being hurt! And would lash out, while ignoring the pain. Testosterone & Adrenaline. Hell of a cocktail.
No. Redirect the line of fire by smacking it off to the side. Take control of the weapon with both hands at the side. Several kicks to the groin to loosen their grip of the weapon. Take the weapon. This usually involves breaking their trigger finger and may discharge the weapon, so make sure you and nobody else is in the line of fire for this step. Again, this is for up close situations only. If you can't reach the weapon, you better have one yourself.
Yeah, none of that is happening. Smack to the side.... all of a sudden you wake up in front of Saint Peter at those Pearly gates, asking him what happened. You can practice any technique in front of an opponent who doesn't actually want to kill you. Different story outside of a safe, controlled environment.
I think you underestimate women with proper training. The youngest female student I helped train could break a brick was 9. She could do 7 ball of the foot round kicks in a row in a circle breaking a board with each, head high. You don't want to surround her in a fight. An 18 year old girl who became a 2nd Dan instructor won first place in the San Diego Grand Internationals in breaking. She could break 7 bricks. She became a police officer. Another one of our 18 year old girl instructors went into the army. The girls trained with and sparred the boys. They trained to take down men 3 times their size. I didn't train any wimps. With proper training you would be amazed what someone can do.

Edit: Found some old footage of our school's demo team from 2013. Two of the three girls mentioned are on the team, young and breaking bricks. I'm not on the team and not the head instructor in case you were wondering (I'm not in the video). I was second highest ranking instructor at the school. (School shut down in 2020 due to Covid). Enjoy.

Notice 70 lb. girls lifting two 32 lb. cinder blocks before breaking bricks. Don't mess with them when they're adults.

Oh yeah, the "white belt" girl isn't a white belt. She forgot her black belt at the school and wearing a white belt on camera was her punishment. She's actually an instructor. Hope the army drilled those mistakes out of her.
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