World's Greatest Flashlight Collection?

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Newly Enlightened
Mar 12, 2001
World\'s Greatest Flashlight Collection?

I asked about knives once on bladeforums... there are multi-million dollar knife collections and more than one of them. My guess is that there are far fewer collectors of these battery powered photon generators. WHO has the "best" one? (Not to worry about the definition of best for the moment, how many great collections can ther be??)
Re: World\'s Greatest Flashlight Collection?

My guess, in terms of sheer value (not counting antique collections), mr PK of Surefire- think of all the lights he`s probably got. Prototypes, discontinued models, all the current ones, all the new ones- it would surprise me if he didn`t.

Not to forget Craig Johnson of course- who`s got 200+++ lights in his personal "test stock", that`s gotta be among the largest of all of us here, hasn`t it?

I`ve got about 60. In comparison, that doesn`t sound like much- but there`s probably more torches in this one room than there are in all the rest of the houses in this street put together!

And people say I`m wierd......well, beats being normal!

Guess I'm a real "newbie" in this collection thing!! I've only been collecting flashlights for less than a couple of years. I have about 14 'special' lights but have about 5 more coming any day now!! Like I said I only started collecting a little less than 2 years ago but before that I always thought I was a little "off" with my likes of them. I would always have to pick one up while standing in line at Lowe's or some hardware store. Didn't really know why I just enjoyed the different styles and strenghts of flashlights. Then I started talking to a coworker and found out he loved the things also. All of a sudden I realized I wasn't as weird as I thought and even started "Googling" flashlights and found a world of people who loved to just "have" different styles, sizes, abilities and colors of them. Now I can't wait until my package gets here. I also have several online companies in my favorites for only flashlights. Bought several nice lights from Four/Sevens that I like to keep with me always. Especially the mini Quark!!! Love it!! Oh well, guess I've spouted off too much but I am really looking forward to reading and posting on my first forum with CPF.
I think I have one the biggest (Not THE biggest) Surefire collections on here. I'm at 50 Surefires currently, with a Kroma Mil-Spec on the collection means a good deal to me, namely because I'm by no means made of money...5 years of trading lesser lights (trading up), selling bit's and pieces, etc. When I first joined about 5 years ago, I had a G2-OD and a 6P...LOL!!!-II&p=3633397&viewfull=1#post3633397

DaFab has/had a pretty big collection, but he sold a lot of them recently...and Tempest UK has a nice size one as well.
Some of the Ti custom collectors have tens of thousands into their collections. Those lights make SFs seem cheap. :broke:
I'm also mainly a SureFire guy. I've been loyal to them since I bought my first Laser Products 6P sometime in the early 90's as a backup light for work. I then some re-chargeable kits, some of their weapon lights for the Remington 870s, then the M900s for some AR15s, and then the X200, and then several X300s. I rarely sell my old lights so I have a bunch of lights just lying around. I also have a bunch of their hand-held lights and am planning to by a M3T LED next. I doubt that I'm anywhere near the top but I trust that all of my lights are high-quality products that have been thoroughly used and tested.
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