worth modding?

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Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 29, 2008
a week b4 i found this forum i got 1 of these


6xAA (not 4xAA)

after playing with my romisen rc-m3 and a malkoff and a terralux i wonder?

this 100 led light isnt too bad, it puts out a lot of light but dims quickly (25-40 mins)

i there any kind of electronic component (circuit/buffer/booster/battery etc??) that i can get for $12 + or - on the www, and solder it somewhere to make this light more practical?

or do i yard sale it?

thoughts on what to do with a light like this?
a week b4 i found this forum i got 1 of these


6xAA (not 4xAA)

after playing with my romisen rc-m3 and a malkoff and a terralux i wonder?

this 100 led light isnt too bad, it puts out a lot of light but dims quickly (25-40 mins)

i there any kind of electronic component (circuit/buffer/booster/battery etc??) that i can get for $12 + or - on the www, and solder it somewhere to make this light more practical?

or do i yard sale it?

thoughts on what to do with a light like this?

Taken from your other thread in B/S/T here:

a week b4 i found this forum i got 1 of these :ohgeez:


6xAA (not 4xAA)

after playing with my romisen rc-m3 and a malkoff and a terralux i wonder?

this 100 led light isnt too bad, it puts out a lot of light but dims quickly (25-40 mins)

i there any kind of electronic component (circuit/buffer/booster/battery etc??) that i can get for $12 + or - on the www, and solder it somewhere to make this light more practical?

or do i yard sale it?

thoughts on what to do with a light like this?

You're cross posting which is a big no-no on the forums, please read the rules.
waddup, you really need to go and read the Rules. This is the second time you have come to my attention for getting things wrong.

Cross-posting is a nuisance to everyone, causes confusion and is a violation of Rule #7. Go and read it - and read the other rules too, while you are at it.

You escape a suspension on this occasion, but next time you will be away from here for a while.

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