Worth upgrading from my HDS to a new NovaTac?


Newly Enlightened
May 12, 2006
I'm just wondering if I would notice a big jump in upgrading from my current HDS Basic 42 XRGT to a NovaTac 120P?
William, it seems that our eyes note an increase of 4-5 times as being very significant. 2-3 times is clearly noticable but doesn't always standout as being so significant. Whether you would value the increased lumens would depend on whether your 42 lumens currently seems marginal at times. If so, the 120 will cover the base nicely. If the 42 seems good most of the time currently, the 120 will probably not add much to your experience.
Going from 42LM to 120LM is very substantial you will definitely see a big change especial out doors. trust me i have both a 42 and a120. not to mention with the novatac you can change the light any way you want.
Changing out the LED in your current HDS to a SSC P4 is one of the easier mods out there. If you aren't willing to risk it there are modders who will. I like my modded HDS better than the Novatac I tried so I returned the Novatac.

On the other hand if your HDS is in great shape you could sell it and get a new Novatac for not much more.
Oh you'll notice 42 to 120 lumens for sure. I think the jump will be big enough to be impressive, especially if you use it out doors where 42 might be a little limiting. With the recent price increase of the 120P I would act now while you can still get it at the initial price. If you don't like it in a few months you'll likely be able to get your money back on B/S/T.

I only have the 85P, but it continues to grow on me. Based on some of the other $100 lights I have bought I have to say it was really with the money.
Mod the HDS with an SSC-P4. The NovaTac is basically an HDS with upgraded LED. My modded HDS B42 is just as bright as a NovaTac 120.
The mod is pretty easy to do. So easy, I could do it. My one and only light mod.

I think the price for mod by others is under $50. I could be wrong. There's 2-3 people who offer this service.
Here's the instructions on how to update the light.


I'd say it's not worth it to get the Novatac. The circuit used seems to be less "nice" than the old HDS one and you can save the $140-190 to get something else. The overall construction of the Novatac doesn't seem as sound as the old HDS (IMHO), they can both take a beating but the old one didn't have the problem of the retaining rings coming loose.
I was in the same situation as you are. I have a HDS Basic 42XR that I used quite a bit over the past year. I really like the light.

I was camping last summer and my Basic 42 did the usual great job of lighting up the immediate area. However, I had gotten spoiled with my newer Fenix lights that were 100+ lumens lighting up the woods and objects much farther away. The '42 just couldn't compete any more.

I finally pulled the trigger and bought a new NovaTac 120P. My timing was lucky since I got it before the price increase. The normal operation is pretty much the same as the HDS but now I can really light up the back yard on the maximum setting. I compared the '42 and '120 side-by-side and the 120 does a lot better outdoors on max. I'm not regretting it. If you are using your light for close up indoor type applications it may not be worth upgrading.

I also gained easier programming with the new 120P. I changed some of the settings on the old Basic 42, but it is a pain with clicking 250 times to get into program mode.
I modded my B42XRGT with a Seoul SSC, and it rocks! I bought a Novatac 120P, but the modded B42 is actually better! The construction on the HDS is noticably better then the Novatac. I like it's knurling better, it has a tighter hotspot and better throw, and if I remember correctly, the regulation is flatter too.
Is $189 the going rate for the 120P?

Actually, last week up through the 8th it was $126, there is one place that still has them for $140 and I think Lighthound is at $170.

If I had to buy one at the full retail I would do so in a heartbeat. It is far and away the best EDC light I've seen, anywhere. If I had to give up all my lights but one guess which one I'd keep?
I think I'll just keep my HDS and maybe mod it and get the NovaTac too. Could someone PM me where to find one for $140?

If you keep your hds and upgrade the LED (that's what I would do if I still had my b'loved U60) don't forget to get a protective bezel for it! The rim around the lens is so week, mine got dented to hell after very undramatic drops. It's as far as I can see the only week link as far as toughness goes in the design. If you have not already done this it will make your torch last longer. Don't know how cheap you can get a stainless or titanium bezel but I'm sure it's worth it if you use your torch out of doors.