wow...sorry sasha...i kinda knew the give away would take a huge toll on the server...but didnt think it would take such a toll on you!
I appologize on behalf of CPF members who may have caused you this kind of stress. We know you try super hard to keep CPF a fast and lively community, and you are indeed doing a great job.
However tonight, i feel that this type of attitude you are displaying towards the kind, nice, courteous members of CPF does not fit in with the CPF community! The give away, im sure, had nothing but good intensions in mind. It made many many people happy, many including myself were excited, and i would say, some of us prolly even felt united! (at one time, i saw 76 users on that thread alone)
This is what i would say CPF does for many of us everyday, with or without give aways. Without you, we all know that CPF would not be what it is today.
I realize that many ppl may ***** and complain about the speeds of CPF, etc etc, and i would imagine it getting quite frustrating. But the way i see it, if they're not a CPF supporter, they should just STFU! After all, in a community this size, you cant please everyone!
I thought tonight was a hell of a night on CPF. Sorry you feel that CPF members arent reading your posts, but not everyone checks the LED forums, the cafe, BST, etc etc over and over to keep up with the fast paced enviroment.
That was just my 3 cents worth.