X990 Battery Fit Issue


Newly Enlightened
Jan 28, 2007
Got a new X990 from SUVlights. Ordered both the 12 volt adaptor and batteries.

Light works great with the adator, but not the batteries. Yes they are charged, and they have voltage. :awman:

It appears the negative contact on the battery is not making contact with the negative contact in the flashlite body.

If you look on the adaptor you can see the scratch marks on the negative contact, but not on the batteries negative contact.

I took a screw driver and bent the negative prong in slightly, and the battery then worked, but the contact is intermitant. Not good for the bulb to be flickering on and off.

If I but the adator body next to the battery body, and look from the side towards the negative contacts, the adaptor contacts are about 2-3 mm higher than the batteries. So when installed, the adaptor contacts are going deeper into the lights body, thus making better contact.

Any body else had/have this issue?
If you don't find a quick and satisfactory fix, I would say call SUVlights and request a replacement. I got an X990 from them and have had no probs with it. These things are too spendy not to get complete satisfaction. :twothumbs
