xenon,6 volt lithium, aluminum, $25.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Marc Veeneman:
I thought it was interesting that there is neither a manufacturer nor a country of origin shown on the website.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

No, this is about what I'd *expect* from Botach. I'm still on their spam list, and
I looked at it, thinking it must be a Brinkmann LX. Odds are virtualy 100% that this light isn't as well made/bright/reliable/etc. as a Brinkmann LX is.
A 'generic' high performance 6 volt lithium powered, all aluminum flashlight... with no name, country of manufacture (probably Afganistan.....) only from Botach.

Just my opnion, of course.
Normally I skip anything that has to do with Botach given their reputation but looking at the light, is looks to be the same as one being manufactured in Taiwan.

I had contacted the manufacture several months ago; they had offered to send samples of their product line if I were willing to open a letter of credit in their favor as a deposit. Well, the actual cost of opening an LC cost more than the value of the lights so, end of story.
That's it, I am selling all of my Sfs to get that "no name" !!!
Probably built in the same country that the Botach people are from. I'm guessing Muhamad Omar smuggled these over here himself
. I too, am on the Botach spam list
. I thought my prior e-mails would have convinced them that I dont want to be on their list, and that if I ever go to Cali. someone just might jam that Packistani P.O.S flashlight up their ar$e.

jin·go (jngg)
n. pl. jin·goes

One who vociferously supports one's country, especially one who supports a belligerent foreign policy; a chauvinistic patriot.

rac·ism (rszm)
1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
2. Discrimination or prejudice based on race.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ted the Led:
jin·go (jngg)
n. pl. jin·goes

One who vociferously supports one's country, especially one who supports a belligerent foreign policy; a chauvinistic patriot.

rac·ism (rszm)
1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
2. Discrimination or prejudice based on race.

By Jingo !!
So good, I think it fully deserves to be posted twice, (or at least quoted in full, as a mark of respect).

Ted, examining your wise and honourable words closely, I can find only one small point I would add, a relatively minor omission.

In the definition of Racism, the phrase "a practice of Evil ppl" has been left out.

Unless I am very much mistaken, it is our Great Leader's wish that Racism has no place on CPF.
(Although and/or even if meant humorously.)

* something ridiculous ?
member #260 CPF

Oh, phred, I am so glad that the flashlight isn't quote: "A PIECE OF BRITISH CRAP" ......
Main Entry: truth
Pronunciation: 'trüth
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural truths /'trü[th]z, 'trüths/
Etymology: Middle English trewthe, from Old English trEowth fidelity; akin to Old English trEowe faithful -- more at TRUE
Date: before 12th century
1 a archaic : FIDELITY, CONSTANCY b : sincerity in action, character, and utterance
2 a (1) : the state of being the case : FACT (2) : the body of real things, events, and facts : ACTUALITY (3) often capitalized : a transcendent fundamental or spiritual reality b : a judgment, proposition, or idea that is true or accepted as true <truths of thermodynamics> c : the body of true statements and propositions
3 a : the property (as of a statement) of being in accord with fact or reality b chiefly British : TRUE 2 c : fidelity to an original or to a standard
4 capitalized, Christian Science : GOD
- in truth : in accordance with fact : ACTUALLY

I would like to defend the above posts....
As far as I know, both Packistan and Afghanistan have a very underdeveloped industrial capacity. The mere attempt of one of these countries marketing a precision machined item is surely laughable. The resulting product would more than likely closely resemble these lights. This is a broad assumption and I know that assumption can lead to terrible things, but there have many heavily weighted matters settled under a guise of assumption. I have always urged people to stand up for what they believe, but be selective in their battles. If no humor can be found in the above posts, then I pitty the soul who cannot step back from life, and see the humor in it all.

Just to be on the fair side...

Very little is know here in US about products manufactured in other countries and not designed for the US market. I think there is plenty of industrial capacity and creativity everywhere else in the world.

I've never been to Pakistan but I know they can make nukes, or Afghanistan but I know they melt metal in rock ovens and turn it into identical and funcional Glocks and AR15s.

There is good people and bad people, unfortunately everywhere in the world. But they don't come with labels.

About the flashlight well, would it be a great lithium flashlight if the price were $ 10 ? Or $5? Why bother...
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ted the Led:
jin·go (jngg)
n. pl. jin·goes

One who vociferously supports one's country, especially one who supports a belligerent foreign policy; a chauvinistic patriot.


pa'tri ot n....a person who loves and loyally or zealously supports his own country.

Are we so PC that this is unthinkable that Article I of the Bill of Rights is out the door?
So many dictionaries being referred to. I'll just stick to keywords ......

I'm not sure what that definition of truth has to do with anything, laudably complete though it is.

If I can simply quote myself,
"Racism has no place on CPF. (Although and/or even if meant humorously.)"

Racism is too serious an issue to play with.

(I wonder if anyone saw any humour in my post ? Even a little ??)

as a *foreigner*, I'm not personally familiar with Article I of the Bill of Rights.
I assume you're referring to an American Bill of Rights.

Is Article 1 about Rights that should be extended to every Human Being, that could be applied universally, to any person ?

The keywords that apply to Jingoism are, in no particular order:
These qualities are not conducive to Freedom. Nor is *vociferous* often applied as a compliment.

Jingoism has nothing to do with Patriotism, it's a false and self-serving rationale.

We're not particularly PC, and I don't think that anything useful is yet "out the door", let alone Patriotism.

I consider myself anti-racist. I also think I'm quite Patriotic, and don't see that Chauvinism or Belligerence would prove that I'm more Patriotic than the next British Subject.

I have posted elsewhere on CPF about the deep cynicism of the UK's foreign policy.
I love my country, but it's far from perfect.

As far as me Patriotically asserting
"The UK is the Best Country in the whole World"
- thanks, but no thanks.

Now, the 7th best - maybe ......

For you to accuse me of being racist is just as bad and as presumptious as someone that is a racist. It is not worth discussing further. I'm sorry if I offended anyone. Should have labeled it a "junk piece of American trash". Doubt it would have gotten a reaction with that statement.


Ummm, Lightspeed, where did I say that you were a racist ?
(Supposing that you were addressing that to me, of course.)

I don't think that very much offence has been caused, certainly not to me. If you read what I have actually said, rather than what you seem to think I've said, you would probably see some attempts at humour in there somewhere. Perhaps they failed miserably.

I don't want to speculate what reactions one might have gotten if one said one thing rather than another. I guess rubbish is rubbish, whatever country it comes from, (cf. my earlier post).

My turn to say -

If we set individual approaches aside, the central issue is: does anyone actually disagree with the following Policy statement ?

"Racism has no place on CPF. (Although and/or even if meant humorously.)"

Our Leader, DavidW, has asked me to formulate a Posting Policy (at least for Off-Topic, THE CAFÉ).

If any member has any views on any aspect of Policy in any way applicable to/for CPF, please e-mail me. If you wish, any communication will be treated as one-to-one confidential.

O.K. Here's the scoop. I have one of these in my hand. I bought it from gadget universe ( I think) about 4-5 months ago. I posted a mini-review on it somewhere around here. Let me very briefly reiterate. IT'S A PIECE OF CRAP.
Brief enough for everyone?
If you want to know more, ask me or search for the thread.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by *something ridiculous ?:

as a *foreigner*, I'm not personally familiar with Article I of the Bill of Rights.
I assume you're referring to an American Bill of Rights.

Is Article 1 about Rights that should be extended to every Human Being, that could be applied universally, to any person ?

The keywords that apply to Jingoism are, in no particular order:
These qualities are not conducive to Freedom. Nor is *vociferous* often applied as a compliment.

Jingoism has nothing to do with Patriotism, it's a false and self-serving rationale.

We're not particularly PC, and I don't think that anything useful is yet "out the door", let alone Patriotism.


Yes I was referring to the American Bill of Rights & yes it applies equally to all. As to "vociferous", it has negative meaning, unless being vocal is negative. The point I'd like to make is that saying something is a "made in (fill in the blank) PIECE of CRAP" is not jingoistic...it may be a fact that goods manufactured in (fill in the blank) are of universally poor quality. That's what free speech is about and why it's so sacred to Americans & in fact, one of the reasons for separating from Great Britain. One man's "jingoism" may be another's "patriotism". I see nothing racist about stating that a given country produces bad goods. If someone believes Japan makes superior bicycle components does that make them jingoistic? Hardly
