You guys gotta check out this dream about flashlights I had last night…

Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 10, 2006
Los Angeles, Calif.
Was reading "The DaVinci Code" before bed last night. I just started it so I'm at the part where Robert Langdon is being escorted through Jardin des Tuileries on his way to the Louvre. I've never been there so I made a picture of it in my mind.

Before I go much further, let it be known that in real life I picked up a Surefire L1 as my new EDC light. Been using it as much as possible to drain a CR123 but so far no luck hahaha.

So in my dream I'm in Jardin des Tuileries, in a mansion located on the premises (at night of course). A guy I'm with tells me some gangsters are coming to kill him and his family and that I'd better run. So, I run hahaha. I'm trying to get to my car, because in it is my flashlight collection and a handgun. It's a dream, why on earth would I use the car to escape? Hahaha, anyway…

On my way to the car I pull out my L1 to shine it into dark corners of the mansion's grounds, and guess what?? I've used it so much NOW the battery has died! At least it dies accurately when you deplete a CR123 (e.g. not much warning).

The guy that told me to run pops out of nowhere and hands me an H&K USP, which of course, is highly detailed in my dream, except for the part where it had a Surefire X200 attached to it w/ no 1913 rail adapter, and we all know if you want to use a Surefire X200 on an H&K handgun, you need the 1913 adapter. The really screwed up part is that I actually noticed this in my dream, and made a mental note to myself to check the Surefire catalog for an H&K version of the X200 when I got home. I fumble with the light to turn it on, and as SOON as I do, a man bursts through a nearby door. I point the gun/light at him and he says, "Don't shoot! I'm with the ATF!" He looks directly into the X200's beam and figures out it's attached to a gun! Hah! Then, the damn X200 winks out on me. (This dream is turning into quite the Freudian episode – my lights either don't work, or are too small, or are too dim.)

I ran out of the house, through the gardens, across the tennis courts, and into the garage where my car is parked. The garage is like one of those carriage houses you might find in a Louisiana bayou mansion, located hundreds of feet from the main house. I sneak inside, pop the trunk of my car because there's a Surefire M4 conveniently located inside, and it's dark, and for some reason I can't get flashlights and guns out of my head. As soon as I start rooting through the trunk a group of armed teenage girls bursts into the garage, holding me at gunpoint. So I do an evasive roll, bring my gun and light up, and of course neither the damn L1 or X200 are working! Agggggghhhhh!!

The rest of the dream is a bit foggy after that, but it was highly detailed down to the thorns on the rosebushes that grew outside the fenced area of the tennis courts… made me chuckle when I got up this morning.
I'm not an expert, but it sounds like to me that your dream was telling you to buy more batteries.. Is your stockpile low? Have you tested them to make sure they are up to the job..

Very interesting dream BTW.. :)
As for the teenaged girls. You need to mount the X200 on a can of whipped cream incase they come back.

You can never be too prepared!...
(This dream is turning into quite the Freudian episode – my lights either don't work, or are too small, or are too dim.)
ROFL :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:
I have yet to have a dream to THAT degree :grin2:

Im surprised you slept after just reading a few chapters...I couldn't stop [and couldn't help pointing that out]

yeah, its not always such a good thing when we get too involved with our I've ha similar experiences where I remember a movie scene or something my imagination created while reading a novel with a flashlight scene and had a dream about it...often finding the light still on and in my hand when I wake up :hahaha::tinfoil:
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Your dream gets fuzzy right after a bunch of armed teenage girls enter it, , , I sure hope you are just embellishing the "fuzzy" part, cuz that is a dream that needs clarity!:laughing:
I forgot, What kind of car?, Ferari, Porsce, Hummer?

Considering I'm a car nut, that IS sort of an important question! The car is my real car, a 2007 Audi A4 Quattro, silver, 6 spd trans. It has a huge trunk; incidentally, in real life, I keep a "walk home" evacuation kit in case the poo hits the fan while I'm at work. It does contain stuff I'd want if people were chasing me with guns. :)
Ha great story.

I think your sub-conscious is telling you "Get more batteries, and carry them in case the poop hits the fan"

In most of my dreams that I can remember I always got my EDCs so when It's dark I also got my HDS or in Macguyver moments out comes my SAK.
In this one dream I had, I had to pull out every one of my EDCs just to make it home because they kept running out of juice. Good thing I carry a few.

You'll know you're a flashaholic when you log onto CPF, browse around, make a few posts... and wake up.
Hey, what's with that. Every time I use one of my flashlights in a dream, it usually dies right away, or in some dreams, it literally falls apart in pieces.:mecry:
Interesting. Generally in dreams, technical stuff do not work quite right -- flipping a light switch, for instance, may not turn on or off a light in your dream. Or so I'm told.