You KNOW You\'re A Flashoholic When...
Here, let me start it off:
You Know You're A Flashoholic When...
1) your web browser is set to start at CPF
2) any money you come into is thought of in terms of how many more flashlights you can buy
3) you build a new flashlight closet -- and the first one isn't full yet
4) you try to convince your wife that you really don't need those old living room sofas any more since the palletts of batteries are just as comfortable to sit on
5) you don't reach for wall light switches any more
6) you buy another of a flashlight you already have - for back up
7) you pray for rolling blackouts
8) you catch a burglar in your house but decide to let him go because he has a better flashlight than yours
9) your dog hides when you bring out the walking leash for the fifth time that night
10) you have to think about buying another flashlight -- or food
Here, let me start it off:
You Know You're A Flashoholic When...
1) your web browser is set to start at CPF
2) any money you come into is thought of in terms of how many more flashlights you can buy
3) you build a new flashlight closet -- and the first one isn't full yet
4) you try to convince your wife that you really don't need those old living room sofas any more since the palletts of batteries are just as comfortable to sit on
5) you don't reach for wall light switches any more
6) you buy another of a flashlight you already have - for back up
7) you pray for rolling blackouts
8) you catch a burglar in your house but decide to let him go because he has a better flashlight than yours
9) your dog hides when you bring out the walking leash for the fifth time that night
10) you have to think about buying another flashlight -- or food