Good to see this one back for this year. Thank you
@ChibiM! Thank you very much. 👍
My favorite/nicest/coolest/best flashlight of 2024 is actually:
Favorite/nicest/only/best flashlight of 2024 but it's not cool, it's neutral.....
The new Lumens Factory Seraph SP-6M in half body format using a Lumens Factory module designed for the Pentagon X1 flashlight. The module uses a 519A at 4000 kelvins. Fed by a Battery Station CR123.
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Smooth stainless bezel ring added.
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I added a Streamlight clip and Elzetta wrist strap.
I very much liked the SP-6M I got, too.
I don't see a 519A 4000K Drop-in, are you sure it's 4000K? Did I miss a batch?
Also, which stainless bezel did you use, and did you end up needing to get the tool to swap it? I've been toying with this idea...
Best EDC: Elzetta Alpha A113 modified with de-domed Nichia 519A 4500K
Best budget: Convoy T3 titanium with de-domed Nichia 519A 5000K
Best keychain: tie between Prometheus Beta Ti and Peak LED Eiger SS with Nichia 219B 4500K
I'll second most of this, save for the de-doming, haha.
I got an A113, too, and it's GREAT. I am not sure if I prefer the flood optic and the standard clicky, so I have a crenelated clicky I swap optics and caps around with, and I really like both configurations.
The A312 configuration with the Thrym is amazing, but the A123 (floody, high/low) with the speed click is really growing on me.
I did a T3 with 4000K 519A, and love it.
And, I decided to use a SS Eiger to try out a warm, high CRI LED, and...I'm in love.
Best EDC: Malkoff MDC 3.4-6V SST-20 4000K with CR123 unshrouded body
Best budget: Convoy T3 Aluminium with silver paint, Nichia 519A 5000K
Best keychain: I don't know what this is, a friend gave them to me. 1 battery 2023, LED installed from unknown company 3300K CRI around 93-94
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I did an unshrouded CR123 body with an M61WLL, and it's good.
I have a silver T3, but I have the red SST-20 in that, because it's really easy to spot in low light, and that's my low light light, haha.
519a 4500k SS Eiger and a 219b 4500k Ti Reylight Lanapple.
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The Prometheus clip on the Eiger is really, really good. It's kind of pricey, and seems like it wouldn't be such a big deal, but man...
This light could fit into a few different categories, but for me it's the best light of 2024.
Surefire EDC1-DFT
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While I don't know if I can say I have a single favorite (especially after I just seconded like half a dozen candidates), I might narrow it down to the EDC1-DFT. It's so, so cool. Great quality, and amazing performance. I especially love the checkering, because it's fine enough to feel smooth with light pressure, but VERY grippy with pressure.