Your preferred AAA Tis: Killer, Sapphire or Mako?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 1, 2009
Please share your views and preferences (with reasons) on Photofanatic's Killer, the new McGizmo/Arc's Sapphire and Mako, I'm at a lost if I'm to choose since all 3 are fantastic in function and looks. Thanks.
For years I and many others have been asking and wanting a Ti AAA light and now we have choices.........

I would like one with a neutral to warm tint, doing my research now and I'm :confused:

2 days ago I discovered the Tis Killer, today I found out about the Sapphire and 10 min ago I came across the Maco thread........They all kick A$$

I can't answer your question at this moment, just like you I am Lost, the best part is, I'm excited as well :twothumbs
My premature preference would be the one driven at spec :poke: It also happens to be the one I have already paid for.Something new:devil:.
Mako most definitely.

The others are great, but the primary runtimes, dual mode and tailstanding ability at a great price made it a clear choice for me.
when i finally have all three in hand, maybe then i can chose my favorite one... but i doubt it!
I have had an alum Draco on my keychain for several years and have Mako ordered. Mako may end up, as a pocket EDC, with two levels and tailstand (regulated). Am interested in seeing McGizmo's, as his lights are always top's nice to have choices!

Can't wait to see a review or comparison or shootout whatever of:

LD01 Q5
Draco + AAA Tube

and whatever else! Such great AAA options now, such an underrated niche format.
I haven't yet purchased the Mako, but between Killer and Ti Sapphire ... it's a tough choice. Both scores very highly in my book in terms of physical look, but I would have to say Ti Sapphire. I love the flood beam of the Ti Sapphire so much. :thumbsup:
The Ti Killer AAA looks the prettiest IMO. It also has solid construction and feels like it could take a serious beating. I also know that my Killer makes a Killer battery vampire, although I don't have any other high quality AAA led lights to compare it to. I'd wait to choose, since most of the alternatives have not yet been released.
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