Z33 + E-series Flashlights...


Newly Enlightened
Jun 9, 2001
So... I'm ordering 72 batteries from SureFire for $90, and because I want free shipping, I order a $11 Z33 tailcap lanyard -- listed as compatible with all "High Performance Personal Flashlights".

I think to myself, "Huh? The E-series and the CDGZ-series don't have the same tailcap diameter... Maybe they include two, different-sized metal rings?"

Well... sure enough, I get it in the mail, and it's designed to fit the tailcap of the CDGZ-series -- NOT the E-series.

The metal ring fits on the bezel-end of the E-series, but as you can imagine, this causes the light to point at... ack! ...my face! Ugh, just blinded myself...

In a word or two... what gives?

Is the webpage info incorrect (it should probably say compatible with CDGZ-series only), or is putting the ring on the bezel and blinding myself the way I'm supposed to use it?
The E2e is not in the "High Performance Personal Flashlights" (aka "High Intensity Personal Lights") catagory. The E2e and E1e are in the "Executive Series" catagory.

The E2e & E1e are not "Standard Body" models and are not intended to have Bezel Lanyard rings fitted.

If you want to fit one to your E Series models that is up to you. I do not suggest you do though.


I just found it odd that the E-series is listed as being compatible to the Z33... When on the Z33 page, I clicked on the compatability link and it took me here...where they list the E-series flashlight as a "High Performance Personal Light"...

(Main Page -> Accessories -> Misc -> Show All Products -> Z33 -> Compatible "High Performance Personal Lights")

No biggie... just somewhat amused at how I turned off my brain, blindly trusted the compatability links, and ended up with a lanyard for my C3...
What you want is the Surefire Z50 Pocket Clip Lanyard System, which attaches to the pocket clip (more than just a fancy product name for a lanyard, eh?) with a split ring. Everything else is essentially the same as the Z33 set, except there's no tail cap ring and the para cord is gray instead of black.

We're getting ready to market our Improved Lanyard Assembly for the Surefire E2 series, which also attaches to the pocket clip using a split ring. Cost will be about $10.00 for a two lanyard package, plus about $1.50 shipping. Our lanyard uses black elastic shock cord, which I feel is superior to Surefire's 550 parachute cord. We should have a description, with photos, as well as operating tips, on our web site in a couple of weeks. Although supplied with cord locks, I prefer to discard them (too bulky, in my opinion) in favor of tying two knots in the lanyard itself: 1) one to hook my support hand thumb through, and 2) one to wrap around my hand and secure behind the bezel shoulder.

I currently have this lanyard assembly installed on my personal E2. I've been evaluating it for a little over a year. I've found it allows me to perform weapon manipulations (racking the slide, seat magazines, clear stoppages) while still maintaining control of the light with my support hand better than my 6P. Plus the location of lanyard attachment to the E2, on the pocket clip, allows the light to quickly orient to my support hand when my thumb is hooked through the lanyard.

I apologize for the SPAM-like promotion. However I thought you might appreciate the info.

Shawn Dodson