Z68 tailcap?

I'm pretty sure it fits the E series bodies. If this is the right one I'm thinking of, it looks like a E2D tailcap, but doesnt have crenellations.
Yep it's for real.
SureFire.com has only a fraction of their products online.

It's a shrouded clickie TailCap for the ScoutLight (M600) which is black HA.

E1L in limited run black HA too. Again, not widely known about.

Z68 is a standard accessory though.
Oh my goodness, that is awesome. I want one, now. Where to do I get one! I have a black E1e body in the FS/T forum. If it doesn't sell I will have to pick up a black KL1 and one of these. Gimme gimme...
I just ordered one from gandrtactical.com, they have them is stock...

And just ordered a black KL1 from opticshq.com... heheh, the sickness continues...
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Here they are at G&R:

I have bought all my Tactical stuff, as well as flash lights, from Grant.


He even built this for me: it's a 3 cell E body, but takes C Heads, & E tail caps. The head is an incan 200 lumen turbo head.


In case anyone is interested, I just got off the phone with Surefire. They have 100+ Z68's in stock for $ 37.95 each. Just ordered a few along with some other stuff...

Well I got all the parts to my new "pocket rocket" on the way. Black KL1, black Z68, McR20 Seoul and I already have the black E1e body and a USVOI SSC P4. Awesome. Can't wait to throw it together!
Next payday I'm going to have to pick up another whole set, especially the black KL1s, since I suspect Surefire will stop producing them here shortly... :(
Whoa, what turbo head is that? Do they have them that will fit C bodies?

Yes, that turbo head is DESIGNED to fit C series bodies.

I guess the way I explained it in the post might be confusing. Check my post again. That body is custom made. It is the "E" diameter. It takes E tail caps. BUT, it is designed to take C heads. NO ADAPTOR. It will fit heads designed for the 6p, 9p, G2, G3, M2, Shock isolated Z32, pretty much any C head. So if you want to put the Z32 shock isolated bezel on there, and run it like a weapon light... you can.

That light is the best Incan light i own, hands down. I keep it in my glove box, and i can light up a target at least 100 yards away. And it was MUCH less expensive to buy/build than a Surefire M3T.

Give grant a call, he has all this stuff plus more.

feel free to ask any more questions.
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FWIW...OpticsHQ has the E1E-BK & E2E-BK in stock. *No E1L-BK though, not sure how I'm gonna score
one of those guys.


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