Zebralight SC64w hi or SC64c LE


Oct 4, 2007
If you could only choose one, which one and why?

From what I've seen, the sc64c has a nicer beam and tint and higher cri, but is has much less output and throw. However, does anyone know the throw numbers for each model? How much less throw does the sc64c have vs the sc64w?

Which beam will appear warmer between the two?

Also does anyone know how their beams compare to the Zebralight SC600w HI mk III that I have?

I plan on using it as an EDC but also outdoors for example hiking or camping along with a H600c.

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I have both, they are both great.

If you care more about CRI get the LE, if you care more about brightness and throw, get the HI.

The HI still has great tint, and the color rendering aint that bad. If I had to give up one, I really dont know which one I would give up. My Favorite Zebras!!!
+1 to PSM

Both will be great, hard to begrudge either.

The C LE in general, will not have as "averagely good" tint as the W HI, as the LH351D can be a bit on the greener side of things. That being said, IRL this is not a serious concern nor is it noticeable anywhere other than a perfectly white wall.

Head to head, I'd pick the C LE, because the beam profile overall isn't massively different (it's not like one makes the light a dedicated thrower and the other a dedicated flooder) and the C LE will also give lower lows, in addition to the better CRI allowing much better visual acuity at lower brightness levels. Which for me, is quintessentially Zebralight.

The W HI would be better if you need higher outputs more often, as it will be slightly slower to heat up while producing greater intensity at a given brightness.
According to Zebralight the lead time for the SC64w is about a week and the SC64c LE is about 4 weeks. Would it be worth the crazy long wait for the LE over the w?
I've certainly waited longer for less :)

That's really subjective, hard for me to tell you. I personally have 5 SC-series lights, and still consider getting a couple more. So if I had to answer you..... I'd say both!
I have both lights and they are great. The beam color is about the same to me. I wouldn't want to choose only one but it would be the SC64W HI if I had to. Why ? It has more top end and I can't really tell the CRI difference between the two lights. Get both and sell the other you don't want.
Also does anyone know how their beams compare to the Zebralight SC600w HI mk III that I have?

Both will be more floody. ZL says the SC600w HI mkIII has a 10 degree hotspot, 80 degrees spill, and the SC64w HI has an 11 degree hotspot, and 80 degrees spill. I'd say this roughly translates to about a 15-20% less concentrated hotspot for the W HI

The SC64c LE has a 12 Degree hotspot, and 80 degree spill. I'd say this is probably like a 25-35% less intense concentrated hotspot.

In appearance, the w HI I would say appears about twice as intense as the c LE with roughly the same size hotspot. It's funny how similar sized the hotspots are in the beam, yet the XHP 35 really pushes more lumens much further.

It sounds like you are not particular with CRI, and while outdoors 90 CRI really shines, the 80 CRI of the W HI really does the trick just right, 80 CRI is a vast improvement over 70 CRI, where-as 90CRI from 80 CRI is seemingly a smaller step. Thus, if you pick one, get the w HI. It'll wow a touch more thanks to it's boost in lm and cd.
Well, I ordered the SC64c LE but am still seriously thinking about ordering the SC64w HI. I could use my SC600w mk III HI for outdoors and throw and the LE for EDC so I am trying to justify it. The smaller size than the SC600 and the higher lumens than the SC64c LE really tempt me, and the tint seems really nice.

Does anyone know if/when Zebralight will be making new lights or will the current lights be around for a while? I just don't want to buy two and then have them release new lights and have mine obsolete in a year or two.
LE is my favorite Zebralight. However, if I really need throw and light, I do tend to lean on the W Hi, especially if searching for stuff outdoors. Ultimately I usually bring both when camping, as the extra light hardly weighs more than a spare 18650 in a 2xbattery box. I'm glad I have both.
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I agree, with the SC600 you already have something punchy that takes full advantage of that fact. The SCcLE is a great EDC/ general carry.

Zebralight doesn't really tell too much on when or how they update lights. It's normally every year or so for most of the main/ popular lines like the SC, S600, and H600 series of lights. I don't think the SC64c LE will be going anywhere any time soon, but the re-release of the SC64w HI was surprising to many, I don't think we will see a new gen this year but I'd love to be wrong! Sometimes they add a light to their data spreadsheet a little too soon.....
Well, I finally got my SC64c LE and I love it! If there is a tint lottery, I did well because I do not notice any green. The size is nice, small, and easy to EDC, and the beam is excellent. This is one of my favorite lights now.
Well, I finally got my SC64c LE and I love it! If there is a tint lottery, I did well because I do not notice any green. The size is nice, small, and easy to EDC, and the beam is excellent. This is one of my favorite lights now.

It is a very nice tint with no green, I love mine too, my favorite zebra. Play around with the banks and get it how you like it.

On mine i got it setup like this:
All from off: Single click comes on at 2 nice medium EDC levels. Long hold for lows, double click for highs.
Good choice. I believe its the best all around flashlight. Great size, decent output, great tint, very efficient, etc.
I've read some disturbing reports that some recent build SC64 LE lights actually use a low CRI LH351D led. Multiple users on BLF tested theirs and measured 70 CRI. However, the older LEs do appear to be high CRI.

Given this, I recommend buying the SC64w HI for its much higher output and throw.

If you are an advanced flashlight modder, you might try the LE version. That way you could purchase a top-of-the-line "dog farts" bin LH351D with your choice of tint and swap it in yourself. You could also install a sliced dome LH351D for output and throw almost as good as XPL HI, but with much better CRI.
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