Flashlight Story Collection


Dec 6, 2005
New York City
*NEW* Flashlight Stories - Chicken Soup for the Obsessed Flashaholic's Soul

I was looking around and I saw quite a few posts telling about times when people have really used their flashlights. I thought it'd be a good idea to collect all these stories here. (Kinda like the Surefire stories page on their site.) If people post links to other threads with stories we can have them all easily accessible. After all, everybody likes to read a good story!

My goal is to make a comprehensive list of flashlight stories on CPF -- help me make it happen!

Useful wiki link
carrot's picks: (reverse chronological order)
Light helps avert trouble
Oddest comment from a sane person about your lights?
Ever use your light to help others?
Wildest flashlight stories?
A positive security experience with my lights?!?
Flashlight prank goes off perfectly!
Who has actually used the "Tactical" aspect of their torch? #10 #27
So... Can a Surefire REALLY saw through another flashlight?
Can I borrow your penlight?
Mag85 to the rescue
Blackout, Fenix L1P, and flashlight envy
Christmas Gifts III -- #332
You Know You've Made a Convert When...
Beware the Mighty SF M6! <-- a top pick!
Gave away an Arc AA - Saved Hundreds of $
funny Tigerlight story

* * * * *

Also see:
carrot's Arc Story Collection

Stories posted in this thread:
#4 #11 #38

Related threads:
LIGHTS OUT! The worst time for your light to go out?
Ever get into a pi**ing contest with your lights?
Anybody ever had dreams about/including flashlights?
Oddest comment from a sane person about your lights?
What is your earliest memory of using a flashlight?
Ever use your light to help others?
Real World Scenario
Would / do you ever lend out your flashlights?
Wildest flashlight stories?
Were you ready for the great blackout of Aug '03?
When was the last REAL need for a flashlight.
Flashlights in TV shows and movies

Shanghai - Funny Experience
Just wanted to share my story...
Two flashlight stories
Small flashaholic moments like these...
Key chain flashlight saved my dentist's life
NiteCore D10 & SF 6P w/ M60 shine during Emergency situation!
Glad I had three lights on me the other night
Oh TK40, why did I forsake you?
Pilot's LED flashlight saves lives from sinking plane.
Inside a 7-11 this morning:
Finally! Had a need for the EDC
Had an out of the ordinary (for me) flashlight experience tonight
Power outages, bad weather, some thoughts...
A holiday in Cam...Vietnam
Aloha.......a flashlight story
Surefire 6PD Attacks... Me
225 Lumens of BUSTED!!!!
Quick story about the wife.
Photon-fest @ 37,000'
"Memorable" Desert Incident
I'm a sad man
Malkoff saves the day: Lighting up the world's longest pedestrian bridge
Thought this might be a story worth sharing..
Small town cops, gotta love em
Quark Mini 123 saved the party
HDS high CRI clicky saved us
They laughed, until.......
First Light Experience Post
My Stories
Taint no justice in this world...(Light Story)
Owned some kids last night!
My SF E1L vs. garbage disposal!!
Neighbor's baby ate my tailcap
Treasures of the Deep! A Quarky Story.
Terrorized some terrorists with my Maelstrom the other night
Conversions...I have 3 and counting, how about you?
Qmini 123 Ruined it!!!
The Day I EDC'd a Monster
Power outage in restaurant last night
Now.....THIS is why I joined CPF!!!! "LED Flashlight geeks" rejoice!
Good use for incans
M3 fends off uninvited guest late at night
In praise of fenix
Amusing story involving my Wife, The Army, and Zebralight
The Story of John the Flashaholic - with pictures
Finally spoke with someone who knows something!

Fenix lights to the Rescue!
My E2DL got used in science class today!
A L0Pse victory in the field
My flashlight saves the day!
Surefire to the rescue
"My light's brighter than yours"
E1B man Saves the Mortals!
Murder by Alkaline *Flashlight Obituary*
I never thought I would need a flashlight at...
Whew, just had my first real-world flashlight scare!
Mr. Fradette's Ray-O-Vac Cabinet (a reminiscence)
My Start as a Flashaholic - A Story
An enlightened to the rescue
Funny PH50 Story
Combat course & E1E...
My first flashlight story
The Flashlight Boys' Christmas is now Online
I caused some Light-envy last night!
Dad loves his Fenix L0D
Mr Party Strobe
another good story...
Blackout in the Toronto
Put 'Em To Use Stories
ROP story
Salesmen can be Funny
Shout out to the Aeon!
It's amazing what non-flashaholics will use for light!
Crazy SF story
Saved a life tonight with my light!
Road accident - assistance with SF L1
Indiana Jones Cereal Box Flashlight Review
TK10 lights up the street!
having a flashlight is so useful
flashlights come in handy
Diving with "The Moderator"
The most expensive Fenix P1D - $760!
Big Maglites Make Me Sentimental (true story)
My Novatac helped me last night...
My Maglite 6D story
I got to use my EDC in an emergency last night
Using Malkoff at midnight = LEO visit
My flashlights story
Not a real brand?!
Yet another stupid story
Cool flashlight story of the day
My first Emergency Situation using my EDC Light
LED flashlight experience: 2 weeks in a Costa Rica rainforest (more pics added)
Sure Fire A2 Aviator in the Real World
Fenix L0D-CE Q4 Saves the day!
Quarks to the rescue!
Using a flashlight to sight my rifle
Fun at work
Possibly saved a life last night with two of my flashlights!
Harry Potter taught me about flashlights
Surefire L2 drew attention!
My very first Mini-Mag light
Wife and HID... a success story
"The third car is on fire!"
Always glad to help someone out with a flashlight...
Flashlight used in a survival situation, what's your story?
Girl uses Gladius strike bezel to good advantage
Making a flashaholic, the hard way
Real life stories?
A geeky dad with his flashlights embarasses his daughter!
Flashaholic husband to the rescue
Flashlight power comes to aid in power outage
P3D R100 Rebel true story
My U85 helps me save a life.
Things break at the worst possible time!
My flashlight got me stopped...
Flashlights and Hot-Headed Motorists
Your true stories
Larson's corn maze
Cool experience - Night walk in Wildlife Refuge
Funny flashlight experiences -- tell here
Anyone ever ask you, Need a flashlight?
You guys gotta check out this dream I had about flashlights last night
Went hiking tonight
Dr. tries to steal my L0P
Talking flashlights with the police today
haha...finally gone away from Maglites!
Bonehead Flashlight Stories
AAA Survives 5 years Lost in a Cave
Police wanted to fine me for riding without taillight, they really made my day!
These lights are a part of my life
Had my first flashlight-aided altercation last night!
It's good to BE PREPARED with an EDC flashlight
Flashlight Helps with Defense
Non-flashaholic friends, we all have them
Had a Blackout on Saturday !
P2D CE Lights the Hollywood Bowl
Surefire E2L Cree vs. Japanese steel & the wild...and the winner is???
New Surefire L1 lights up the Bad Guy
Lights lend a helping hand
How my light helped keep me from trouble!
Lucky I had a light!! :)
Gave my L1P Away - Great Story !!
Ti PD-S Goes To Half Dome
Light helps avert trouble
BIG flashlight story
Swimming with the Kroma!
I was going to give you a nice full review...
InstaRaver: Have flashlight will travel. Lotsa Pics!
Actual nighttime flashlight use (unusual for me)
A2 story...
Found another GREAT use for my Draco!
Right place at the right time
Surefire L1 vs. John Deere **Wow**
Night Hike Story - Without lights? For awhile...
Power Outage Last Night
Sent in U2 for repair and...
Has a flashlight truly saved your hide? How? (Or Minimag saves stupid hunter, lol )
Fenix P1D-CE saved me from a cold night out in the bush!! (controversial)
A Co-worker's first reaction to LED flashlights....
Couple Fenix's = Possible lifesavers
My wife saved a life today, thanks to her Fenix LOP!
"Who brings a flashlight to class anyways?"
glowing garbage can!
A True Story - Pelican LED shines the way
Couple Fenix's = Possible lifesavers
Inova XO3 saves the day!
Hands off my torches?! -- Funny!
Flashlight Stories?
The Cyanator lights up Radio City Music Hall !
I got to use my new toy!
Why I edc an Arc-AAA P
Flashlight in church saves Christmas
i think my surefire may have saved my life
Another use for a Streamlight TL-3
So I finally got to use my Arc AAA for real
I just made my first convert!
Good for snorkeling
wait a min, let me get a light
Last weekend was a redeeming one for the flashaholic in me...
Me, my buddy's, Silvia, and my SL 4AA Luxeon. Enjoy!
my flashlights save the night
Surefire M6 finds the cat!
Surefire A2 to the rescue
Wife is a believer now...
Kids say the darnedest things...
Used my Stinger to thwart some thugs
Ghost Hunting Flashaholic
Fenix L0P-SE (almost) saved my life
Lesson learned: Always attach lights while kayaking
Budding Flashaholic Story
A flashaholic's priorities
a flashlight story in nyc
Surefire True Stories
Aloha... a flashlight story
Two years of waiting - Finally a blackout
ROP Flashlight use story
Vindicated At Last. ( A Hospital story.)
"That's not a bright light, *THIS* is a bright light..."
Interesting outing with my HDS...
Oddest use of your flashlights
Uh oh... another one bites the dust...
LOL... My Wife's Comments on Her Fenix E1
My son (Aged 7) built a hotwire...
ARC LSH-P vs. very angry pregnant python
Ever been in a black out and NOT lit up?
Another occurence to scare my relatives into getting more lights...yay!
And night becomes day!
So I tried firing a handgun while holding a light today...
Blackout tonight!
Funny conversation about UV flashlight
Oh look, the power's on in that building...
Ah, just remember my first camping flashlight story
Dr.'s office blackout
Here's what I did when the lights went out
Flashlight saves the life of ... my mailbox! :)
I got my manager hooked!!!
He he he... Freshly Minted Flash-o-holics!
Finally some action for my E2D on a bad day
another EDC-saves-the-day story
Flashaholism saves Marc from ticket
Spouse Dealing with Flashaholism
Flashlights at the zoo?!?
Sad day for Lumens....
M3 at the scene of an accident
How to silence your neighbor
Blackout on Fathers Day
got caught 'naked' last week
4th of July in the heart of the ghetto
Look for the light...
Ooh! Ooh! Another flashlight story!
Surefire G2 saved me from a bad situation
Surefire C3 Clears A Path
Dont mess with people collection shopping carts
Hellfire caves and fun in the dark
New use at work for my Mag11
Wife unknowingly a flashaholic!
It finally happened... I dropped my Ti McLux onto pavvement :(
Will work for Surefires
Light Salesman demo goes awry -- Pelican M6 LED
dragoman's flashaholic moment...
tankahn's ROP story
boostmiser's A2 story
Let an ER Doctor borrow my M3 tonight
ROP may have saved us...
What happens to the light once it's left the touch?
New use for A2 discovered
Good Flashlight Intentions gone bad...
Helped out my local Fire Dept...
Small town cops, gotta love em
greenLED goes to the movies...
Reason 21 why you should always carry a flashlight
Streamlight TL-3 story
Good way to start the day!
SF E2L at Knob Creek (short)
Finally converted some of my family members... (short)
Flashaholic becomes flashahol-ee?
A positive security experience with my lights?!?
Another EDC Story
Possible change to the E2L? Plus, my story about Surefire service.
Fun with keychain LEDs and RC toys
Office Blackout
Converted the most beautiful girl I have ever met to flashoholism today (sort of)
Flashlight prank goes off perfectly!
SF E1 and Arc AAA @ Disney World
Some real-world LED applications...
Walking the cat... with an A2 <-- shameless self-promotion!
SF A2 in Rio de Janeiro
The importance of a backup light...
Fog and flashlight light sabers
My E2e broke up a cat fight...
Power just went out... Woohoo!
E1L + F05 saves the day
Blackout report!
Ever helped others with your lights?
Funny Birthday Story
64 bit processing, it's GOOD! (short)
Teased with a 10 second blackout
New to this forum a little introduction story
How my Inova T3 saved my @ss last night...
"And then I pulled out my flashlight" stories
Took my McLux PD to the Beach...
A little fun with the new neighbor
Flashlight Story: Weird people order pizza
Power outage
Power Out - Funny!
HDS EDC to the Rescue or Reason #6 Why You Should Always Have A Light.
My first time (this one time, at band camp)
Anyone ever had trouble with the police?
Been told "Sir you can not have a light in here"?
Secret handshake
Cocaine vs ROP LE
Flashlight moment
E2D used on the street for the first time...
Masked Bandits prowling around
Who had the last laugh?
Almost got arrested this morning...
Who has actually used the "Tactical" aspect of their torch? #10 #27
How can I deal with annoying people? #13
Basic 60 saves the day!
Unexpected flashaholic moment
Little thugs scared of light
Flashaholics' day - and always have a corded phone!
The incident that got me into flashlights...
Flashlight to the rescue!
Flashaholic at the doctor's
Blackout last night
So... Can a Surefire REALLY saw through another flashlight?
Can I borrow your penlight?
Daddy's little princess (not quite a story)
Yea! Power Outage!! Lights that work...
Never expected to find what I did with my flashlights
Is this behavior weird?
Mag85 to the rescue
Christmas Program Gone Fenix!
Blackout, Fenix L1P, and flashlight envy
Impressing the Non-Flashaholic crowd
Christmas Giveaway III #328 #332 #343
bed & breakfast & blackout
A disaster averted with the help of a good light
The life I helped save and the lights I use to do it
Flashlight saved me from a big problem!
Another flashlight convert!
When do you really, truly absolutely need a REALLY BRIGHT light?
Power failure, but I did the unthinkable
that sickening crunching sound...
The perils of a non-flashaholic using a hotwire mod
Jealous people at your flashlight?
Blackout + M@G85 + people = :)
My best flashlight experience so far...
My wife needed a work flashlight...
Quick Halloween story
:-O Family Flashlight Intervention! :-O
What would you do in this situation?
What interesting experience have you had with your HDS light?
HDS EDC U60 goes to Halloween Horror Nights!
You Know You've Made a Convert When...
How did flashlights become your passion?
Blackout at work today
Lights used during 8 days without power.
Forgot my EDC when I really needed it
So I was walking my dog with my hotwired mag...
Over illumination and unnecessary exposure
Beware the Mighty SF M6!
Ever met a CPF'er?
Sea Monster sightings? - Ever wish your flashlight wasn't so bright?
Deteriorating situation in New Orleans #27
ARC Flashlight: True Stories
SL 1W Luxeon saves ICU patient
RayBob's Cow Tippin' Flashlite Comparison
How to torture an Arc AAA. Instructions included
Older stories:
Power outage in Saskatoon (flashlight fun)
Bright lights are fun...
Power outage at my school!
Intruder in the house!
$21 for a flashlight?!
A New Flashaholic in the Making
Flashlight stories
Mistaken for a terrorist
Flashaholic NY's Eve!
TSA, flashlight true story
Flashlights in the Sandbox!
L4 saves the day (night).
Don't take your flashlight to the club!
my edc is banned during dating
Flashlight Dinner
Have a kid who's a potential flashaholic?
L4 makes me a hero (sorta)
When did you know you were a flashaholic?
That PERFECT Flashaholic moment
Gave away an Arc AA - Saved Hundreds of $
What spurred your flashaholism?
The Flashaholic's Dream
Had a power failure tonight!
Just had a "flashaholic moment"
"Flash"light action on harbor cruise
The Gingerbread Man
My visit to Surefire
I used my flashlight for self defense last week.
A Flashaholic's Dream... Almost
Ever dream about a flashlight?
Eastern power outages (8/14 - the ONLY thread) -- the August 2003 blackout thread I've been looking for
Why are you carryiing so many flashlights?
Yet another flashaholic moment
Flashlight story
Home invaders not deterred by lights.
How many converts have you made this year?
E2 saves the day - unfortunately
Excellent Flashlight Story -- actually, a little disappointing
Flashlight saved a life
E2e in action!
Can I please borrow a flashlight?
Who has the most banged up WORKING Surefire light? -- nice pictures included
A testament to Surefire lights
SF C2 vs Washing Machine
E2e vs A2 -- see Size15's second post in the thread
Why Surefires are great!
What is your best lost a flashlight story?
Flashaholic Moment: Power Outage!
Dad has left the dark side
Funny party/flashlight story
funny Tigerlight story
Surefire in my local news
So, what got you started? -- scroll down a bit for some good stories
#$%@&* evil doorman forbids lights
E2e at Rush Concert Last Night -- really short
A Flashaholic anecdote
Flashlight Stories
Flashlight down the toilet...
I had dinner with PK last night.
Flashlight Joke <-- I like this!
Have you ever flashed your friends?
Lighten Up! Torch and light jokes, Good, Bad And Indifferent
E2 incident on the mall...
M6, Arc LS, and the outage that shut the mockers up!
Blackout/Tigerlight/ I spoil that woman
SF E2e dissipates derision
Interesting story
A bright light broke up a fight
E2 used to tick off idiot motorist
The SUREFIRE Operator who laughed
How Humiliating
You KNOW You're a Flashaholic When...
New M6 prevents accident
Surefire switch unreliable to non-flashaholics
New M6 prevents accident
Surefire switch unreliable to non-flashaholics
Flashlights and Airport Insecurity PART II
Surge stops a cop
Do people with cheap flashlights irritate you?
LED use at local theater
what is your best "I'm glad I had a Flashlight" experience ?
* * *
Disclaimer: Just because I didn't include your story in "carrot's picks" does not mean it isn't a good one... just not among my favorites. I can't favor *everything*... :)
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May 15, 2005
Re: Flashlight Stories

That is a great idea, Carrot.

I've often wondered why such a focused thread doesn't exist here. It would certainly provide good ammunition to use on our Illumination-Illiterate critics/doubters.

The stories on the Surefire website are good... but highly compressed and edited versions. They tend to leave out the kind of crucial details that make truly memorable Lessons-Learned case studies.

Over the past year I've touched upon some real-world flashlight stories from my Vietnam experience through this Christmas. I'll be glad to elaborate on a handful to help jump-start this. However, I suspect it won't take much to break-open the dam. Given the extraordinary total experience of CPF'ers from all walks of life, this has the potential to be one helluva thread.

What say you, my fellow CPF'ers?


May 22, 2005
Re: Flashlight Stories

Great idea, a suggestion how about including the lessons learnt during the recent floods, storms and disasters.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 4, 2003
Two Rivers, Wisconsin
Re: Flashlight Stories

My Pelican SuperSabre's pin point beam illuminated where a 5kV rated cable faulted to ground. The local power company wasn't able to find the problem in my building's outdoor switchgear due to daytime ambient light and their lights were not bright or concentrated enough.

The cable had been carrying 7.5kV for a few years and with the Pelican I was able to locate the charred spot on the black cable. I'm only an electrician/maintenance tech but run into this regularily - most tradesmen/professionals don't carry proper lighting tools, even when it's essential to their job. Kinda like a carpenter without a saw - he can't see - he, he, haw!


Dec 6, 2005
New York City
Added a few new ones, including this: Mag85 to the rescue

A lot of you are viewing this thread... don't be passive viewers, be active participants! Help me add more! If you come across a story thread I haven't linked to yet, please inform me.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 27, 2003
Central Washington State

Great thread, when you add new stories, can you put the date they were added for us old fogies who can't remember which we've read?



Dec 6, 2005
New York City
bwaites said:
Great thread, when you add new stories, can you put the date they were added for us old fogies who can't remember which we've read?
I was thinking about that. I'll make a separate post whenever I add new stories, listing all the new ones, which would be easier to read.

Edit: Just made a list of all the ones I added today, see above post.
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Farewell our Curmudgeon Administrator
Apr 14, 2002
Granbury, Tx USA
I posted this in the CAFE forum back in 11-10-02:

"While paying for breakfast at a small cafe yesterday, I heard the words that are every flasholics wet dream...."Anybody got a flashlight?" Almost before the words had cleared her mouth, my Scorpion was in my hand being offerd to her! Some that were there, say that they thought they saw a whiff of smoke coming from the Scoprion's holster! They had dropped something in kitchen and it had rolled into some small, dark, damp corner.

I still don't believe it, in public, "Anybody got a flashlight?" HooBoy!!! Made MY day!! "

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Dec 6, 2005
New York City
Added a few stories from the Christmas Giveaway III thread.

What's new?
Christmas Giveaway III #328 #332 #343

Edit: If you've come across stories posted in a thread, please tell me about it. If you don't remember the name of the thread, but the general gist of the story (keywords please!) I can try to find it... or you can.

Edit: Added MayCooper's story (Feb 12 :: 0249EST)
Almost got arrested this morning...
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Jul 25, 2005
Hey Carrot,

I am very pleased to see that someone here on CPF has taken the time to make a thread like this. :wow: It must have taken you a long long time to do that! Not only do you have to type, but you have to find the stories! But the stories make some of the best reading on this forum!

Cheers to you Carrot! :goodjob:


Dec 6, 2005
New York City
Updated again.

What's new?
Added a section called "carrot's picks" -- the stories I think best represent the upsides to our obsession... err, hobby. Those I feel are the most entertaining and well-written get stuck up there, kinda like Craig's "trophy case."

As always, if you find a story or dig up one from years past that I don't have listed, please PM me about it.

PoliceScannerMan said:
Hey Carrot,

I am very pleased to see that someone here on CPF has taken the time to make a thread like this. :wow: It must have taken you a long long time to do that! Not only do you have to type, but you have to find the stories! But the stories make some of the best reading on this forum!

Cheers to you Carrot! :goodjob:
Thanks PSM. It's nice to know my latest effort in procrastination ;) has been appreciated.

Update @ 2317EST
Corrected a link:
Were you ready for the great blackout of Aug '03?
Added new stories:
bed & breakfast & blackout
Blackout + M@G85 + people = :)
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Newly Enlightened
Jan 10, 2006
Boring, Oregon
Nicely done Carrot! Thank you. I agree with your top pick. Mongo Madness's "Beware the the Mighty SF M6" gets my vote as best story. Hillarious and very well written.