it is weird how fox news is one way but cnn and nbc is another the same


*the raggedier*
Aug 11, 2003
it is weird how fox news is one way but cnn and nbc is another the same news has a diff spin on all of em i prefare fox news but i hate that lady wiuth the weird voice .


Oct 1, 2004
News stations report based on the opinion/political leanings of both the management/owner and the newspeople reporting it. CNN tends to favor the liberal and left which is more towards the democratic party while fox tends to lean towards the right or conservative..... (while some people think it is more towards the center which seems right of most other stations) The right tends to be more towards republican party.
Personally I am glad Fox is there because they brought in both sides on issues instead of one political leaning but also the *debate* brought in tends to be rather stupid and obnoxious at times.... as both fox and cnn etc bring the most colorful vocal advocates in on issues to entice people into somewhat a talk show shootout for attention...


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 26, 2004
Buenos Aires / Argentina (I like ribs)
When I was in the USA last month (4/18 - 5/4) I saw a headline that made me laugh:

Fox headline: the preparations for the may 1 march, the day of the communist party celebrations...

Thats a funny way of seeing things, as May 1 all over the world, except for USA, is workers day (labor day) not political at all.
Here in Argentina for example, its tradition to make barbecue on that day :) well, we make barbecues for a lot of things too :D



Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 17, 2003
SF Bay Area
May not be a politically based day down south... But, if you exclude the very early pre-Christian religious celibrations, May Day of "workers day" fame originated in the US as a radical political movement...

Wikipedia "May Day":

May Day is an umbrella name for certain holidays celebrated on May 1 (or in the beginning of May.) Today, May Day is best known in reference to International Workers' Day, the commemoration of the Haymarket Riot of 1886 in Chicago and this event's connection to a larger celebration of the social and economic achievements of the international labor movement. In this context, May Day is a primary holiday for large-scale socialist, communist, and anarchist street demonstrations around the world. In most places of the world, International Workers' Day is referred to simply as Labour Day.

Separately, May Day is also a traditional pagan holiday in honor of the day celebrated in much of pre-Christian Europe, including the celebrations of Beltane in Celtic countries and Walpurgis Night in Germanic countries. Traditional celebration of these holidays faded as Europe became Christianized, but some local traditions, such as the Maypole, remain common to this day, though now usually divested of any explicit references to paganry. Many neopagans today celebrate May 1st as a holiday, and various secular traditions also occur on this day.
