i give up on this world its no good


*the raggedier*
Aug 11, 2003
i mean it craig lost his house his freind lost his leg cobbs truck broke nra is sick we lost a few meebers to death lightchucker is sick and so many others grrrr im so sad i cant no what to do.i hope something good hapens to ya all i like ya all so much .i can honestly say i like everyone on cpf even the ones who pick on me


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 24, 2001
New Mexico, USA
Yeah, that is pretty sick.

I'd be tempted to do just the same to the people who did it.

Someone hanged a (temporarily) live kitten in my town a couple of days ago. :mad:

Lot of sickies in this world...

I don't really know if there is just so much more of it these days, or because of the 24 hour news networks and internet, we are just more aware of it.

And I'll quit talking about it now before I "climb up on my soapbox."
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 9, 2004
South Texas
Raggie, that's pure crap. You only see and hear the bad stuff on TV. The good stuff dosen't sell.

For example, our community college just graduated almost 1,000 folks. A big bunch of these are working people -- people with families, single parents, returning veterans..... And they didn't just study english and algebra -- they learned stuff like medical technologies, refrigeration, airframe mechanics -- that gets them jobs and promotions. And lets them live better and take better care of their families. That, my friend, is the good stuff you don't hear about.

Man, you only get out of life what you give it. So quit moping around and do something good and fun.

Here's something to try --- I have a friend who used to be a bad guy. He stole, sold dope and beat up people. He finally went to prison. The experience got his attention. Now he has a decent job. He's sober. He's got a family and takes care of them. He told me once that one of the things that helps him is that he learned a simple thing -- to do at least one good deed a day. Something you do just cause it's good. Don't do it for thanks, or money or any kind of reward. Just do it cause it's good. Try it. I guarantee it will make you feel better.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 24, 2001
New Mexico, USA
On a more cheerful note, if we can do that 'Group Buy" I posted a while ago we can start our own community and ban all the mean people...

And since it is a real fort, we can KEEP them out even if they try to invade us. :touche:


*the raggedier*
Aug 11, 2003
Raggie, that's pure crap. You only see and hear the bad stuff on TV. The good stuff dosen't sell.

For example, our community college just graduated almost 1,000 folks. A big bunch of these are working people -- people with families, single parents, returning veterans..... And they didn't just study english and algebra -- they learned stuff like medical technologies, refrigeration, airframe mechanics -- that gets them jobs and promotions. And lets them live better and take better care of their families. That, my friend, is the good stuff you don't hear about.

Man, you only get out of life what you give it. So quit moping around and do something good and fun.

Here's something to try --- I have a friend who used to be a bad guy. He stole, sold dope and beat up people. He finally went to prison. The experience got his attention. Now he has a decent job. He's sober. He's got a family and takes care of them. He told me once that one of the things that helps him is that he learned a simple thing -- to do at least one good deed a day. Something you do just cause it's good. Don't do it for thanks, or money or any kind of reward. Just do it cause it's good. Try it. I guarantee it will make you feel better.
but ron if ya read my post freind i dont complain about my life i am sad to see other hurt hey im strong i can deal with all thisx world has for me i hope i made sence freind


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 9, 2004
South Texas
Right - but get over the sad part. The world has always had happy and sad. We just hear more about the sad part today.

Balance it out -- when an animal gets hurt or mistreated, it makes me sad and sometimes very angry. But then one also gets lucky and finds a good home ---- remember my little white dog that ate the Gorillaglue? Well, when she was a baby, small enough to put in lunchbox, someone threw her away. She came up to my jobsite. The guys would give her food from their lunches and leave her water. She slept under a pile of lumber. I took her home, even tho I already had too many dogs. Then she almost died from the glue -- but she was lucky and we got her to the vet in time. So she's double lucky -----


*the raggedier*
Aug 11, 2003
gives ron a hug .i just get to upset somedays i feel the need to protect all.cause i think thats why im here for .


*the raggedier*
Aug 11, 2003
Silviron said:
On a more cheerful note, if we can do that 'Group Buy" I posted a while ago we can start our own community and ban all the mean people...

And since it is a real fort, we can KEEP them out even if they try to invade us. :touche:
il like to live there ill be securty lol and we can adopt all the dogs who need help and have a garden thats so big


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 17, 2003
SF Bay Area
Raggs, you can't save the world... Only your small piece (or, if you prefer, one piece at a time).

And, stop watching the news.

Take a break from News

An expert in aging issues at Baylor College of Medicine believes that older Americans, like younger people, watch too much television – a habit that can cause anxiety or depression or worsen such conditions, especially during national crises like the recent terrorist attacks.



Jan 29, 2004

Yes, I am sick. But that is just one thing about my life. It is a bad thing but there are plenty of good things in my life as well.
I am saved, thanks to the grace of God.
I have a wonderful family at home and here on CPF.
I got to see my children born into the world and experience the joy of being a proud Dad.
I grew up with 2 great parents and great Grandparents.
I have lived a good life, no complaints.
I have seen things in my life that I can bet not too many people have seen.
I have seen and walked mountains and valleys that no one has walked since the frontier days.
I have seen secret waterfalls that just a few people know exist.
I know where there is old growth forest that has not been logged in centuries.
I have found Indian arrowheads in the most remote places as well as the backyard garden and paused to think about the people who lived here before. I often thought about an Indian hundreds of years ago standing in that same spot, holding that same arrowhead.
I have enjoyed life for the most part.
I was always strong and never let anyone pick on me without paying a heavy price.
I once pulled a guy from his burning car on my way home from work one night.
I stayed with a girl who wrecked her car until Paramedics could arrive.
I once totaled my car in a fog bank when I run into the back of a pick-up and then hit a bank of solid rock. I walked away without a scratch. And that was before airbags.
I have sat in a tree stand with my rifle aimed at a deer only to let it go and instead admire the beauty of it.
I have almost died 4 times.
1st time- Rode my bike into a 6 strand barbed wire fence when I was 8. I got tangled up and could not get out. The fence cut my artery in my right leg (I still have the scar that is 3 inches long and 1/4inch wide as well as every hole where they stuck the needle to sew me up). The constant shocking finally made me pass out. My brother came along and found me and got me out. When I got to the hospital the nurses held me down and the DR. stitched me up with no pain killer. I still remember every stitch. I remember my Mom passed out.
2nd time- Helping my Grandpa put rocks around a culvert I passed out and fell 10 ft into the water. I did not wake back up when I went under. Again, my brother was there and save me.
3rd time- I had a heart attack at work. I have a bad valve and it stopped working. I recovered.
4th time - Dr. gave me a shot of penicillin, neither of us knew I was allergic. My heart almost stopped.

So you see I have a lot to be thankful for. While some of my life may have seemed a bit dark at times it always ended happily.
Will this chapter of my life end as happily? I don't know. But I do know that I have much more to be happy about than sad.

Always try to look at the glass as half full, never half empty. If you look for things to be sad about then you will find them. But you will miss out on everything to be happy about.

Pray for me Raggie, but don't be sad for me. Thank God that I have lived a good life and have no regrets.
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Dec 4, 2004
LifeNRA said:
Thank God that I have lived a good life and have no regrets.

D**m right sir!

We do what we can, the rest is up to the big guy upstairs.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 26, 2004
I am rather glad my van is falling apart now than later. I had just signed up to do contract work with a banks computer installations that would of taken me all around VA. I rather know within 7 miles of home it aint that great of shape than 67 miles from home.

In a way its in my favor, now that its going down hill, less likely to get nagged for the rest of my life for buying a new car when my dad was always the used purchasing person.

Yeah, I too have no idea what things happen the way they do unless we are part of one large simulation by aliens or gods as we referr to them as. I like to think of this as simearth.


Apr 29, 2006
Central Florida, USA

Don't base your thoughts of this world on news

Reporters find the most shocking of stories so that more viewers would watch it and more hours would be logged to their advantage...

Find a fall time, go hiking in the color clated appalaician mountains, visit the giant sequotas in the california lands.
Find a place where humans rarely stepped into and percieve the true beauty of god's spirit in the land...

Smile at the winter birds, feel refreshed by the gentle springs, theres much to live for than to be stubbornly devoted to the news and glance hopelessly on the ravages of the modern civilization.

Have hope, sometimes success is not what we precieved it to be... the natures way.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 22, 2006
Dulles VA
I hate the news as of late, thats why that stupid story about the kitten trapped in the wall of the deli in NYC was fun to watch, it actually had a good ending, no violence or death. Im fortunate to have found this place, i have a trust in people here that i just wouldnt hold elswhere. Im glad to be alive too!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 15, 2004
So. Cal
Re: don't give up...just look elsewhere. :)

The mass delivered media is a big downer. Each beginning starts with death and destruction then gradually lightens up if possible. This constant exposure has led to many finding this as sick entertainment because we've been programmed to accept it.

I watch Weather Channel for the weather and might flip through a paper now and then. Beyond that, I don't care to know in detail who got killed, swindled or has been found doing/using drugs. Information overload and I see that on enoug programs they have a rolling by-line that while watching TV, one can read what is occuring. :sigh:


Oct 23, 2005
I pulled the plug on the television broadcasting long ago (just DVDs of my choosing now). Also, don't read any editorials or stock the daycare center with diapers out of my pocket for other's "dependents" anymore!:grin2:
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