Palm Zire71 battery pack


May 23, 2006
I am starting to notice slow but steady battery deterioration of the LiIon battery in my Palm gadget. Of course, it is sealed in the unit and there is no easy way to replace it, but I like the gadget and don't want to change due to dead battery.

I found instructions for battery replacement and new battery for sale. Turns
out the new one is over 40 bucks!?!?! The thing is, it is a simply LiIon 3.7V 900mAh! 3x NiMH AAs have a far larger capacity and the same voltage, not to mention they are much cheaper, less than 10 bucks.

My question is if anyone attempted to replace expensive LiIon batteries in their Palm or similar gadget? What was your experience? Are AAs good/suitable cheap replacement or is there a better option?

I am not too keen on form, so having a bulky AA holder on the back of a gadget doesn't bother me. Paying 40 bucks for 3.7V 900mAh does bother me. Opinions?