Fun times with flashlights


Flashlight Enthusiast
May 21, 2005
Lost in NY
If any of you folks are near Harpers Ferry, WV and have an evening free I highly recommend you take the "ghost tour". First it's fun and second it's a great flashlight opportunity!

Because the historic district of the "ferry" isn't very lit you need flashlights to find your way up and down stairs and through alleys. If it's a night like we had the fog adds another whole element.

During one part of the tour there is a small cave quite a ways up a rockface and people were trying to illuminate it with these little drugstore lights so I, ah, "helped out" with a Night-Ops Gladius on full power. I heard several murmurs of "oh, THERE'S the cave" and at least two versions of the "CPF compliment" (i.e. somebodys saying "woah, what the hell kind of flashlight is THAT). :rock: