Calling All Patriots!!!


Newly Enlightened
Sep 11, 2001
Please Read this link...

Edit: link changed by DavidW. Per request of DLDewey staff.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 24, 2001
New Mexico, USA
When this thing first came up, I was very upset, and rather surprised that it came from current President Bush, (although it wouldn't have surprised me if it came from his father, who I despised and mistrusted).

I don't think this is actually going to happen though. It has already met with a lot of resistance, and even the Post Office has said "no way" to it. I think President Bush has pretty much changed his mind.

If there was not some underlying political deviousness to it, it was just a dumb idea in general- The same people who were being recruited to "spy" on their fellow citizens can do the same thing now...

We should all be vigilant, and if we see anything suspicious report it. With the predominance of cell phones these days, there is no problem doing it on your own.

This silly (and potentially dangerous) idea wouldn't have done any good really- instead of dialing 911 they give you an 800 number and another level of bureaucracy, effectively cutting out local law enforcement people....

If you are dealing with "commie spys" it might be wiser to go directly to the Feds, but for common crimes, (and I consider islamic terrorists to be common criminals) it is usually better to go through local LE people first-

And the "perceived authority" that giving some kind of ID card and the 800 number to these "civilian spys" would have just been asking for abuse. Weak minded people and children should never be given the idea that they have some sort of authority over others, and you would have to be a weak minded "wannabe" to want to join this corps..... I shudder to think.....

But, I really don't think it is going to happen.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 16, 2000
San Gabriel Valley
I've lived thru 12 administrations now, and after seeing that idea, I had to conclude that it was just another "trial balloon".

ALL the presidents I remember have tossed out some rather goofy ideas from time to time-just to guage the zeitgeist.


Newly Enlightened
Sep 11, 2001
Homeland Security Department and how it's going to affect you...

CPF members please read this link:

Members of the House voted 295 for and 132 against President Bush's Homeland Security Department.

Silviron, Mr. Glow...this time, I think it's really going to happen.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 16, 2000
San Gabriel Valley
The final OK for that proposed huge new bureaucracy still depends on what the U.S. Senate comes up with, and then it goes into "conference" between Senate & House, and the result of that get-together (compromise) goes to the President for his signature.

It will then become law.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 24, 2001
New Mexico, USA
We are kind of talking "apples and oranges" here-

I have no problem with the concept of a Homeland Security Department in general- as long as it is there to provide for an aparatus for the various Intel, Security, Law Enforcement and assorted bureaucracies like immigration to work together and share information, but STAY WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE CONSTITUTION and BILL OF RIGHTS.

We NEED that. I don't know if a new bureaucracy will really fix it, but the attempt is necessary: the inter-agency rivalry and lack of communication between the CIA, FBI, local Law Enforcement etc. has been very detrimental to our national security.

As someone who was on the periphery of national security stuff in my younger days, I know that it is only by good luck, a few miracles and the good works of individual agents willing to beyond the artificial "turf boundaries" that we have avoided and stopped a LOT of terrorist acts.

There IS admittedly a danger that we will be allowing the establishment of something like the Gestappo and Brownshirts combined- 99.5% of politicians will seize any kind of power that they think they can, and we have become such a nation of "sheep" that a slight majority may be willing to trade freedom for an illusion of security.

But at the same time that "9-11" and the following events and near events scared the "sheep" to the point that they are willing to be penned, and sheared, it also "woke up" a lot of what had become the silent, somewhat ignorant and complacent, majority.

The hard core minority of those of us who already were patriotic AND cognizant of the price to remain a free and independent people, has now been joined by a lot of people that were silent (go along to get alongers) and not particularly patriotic or security conscious are now becoming less ignorant and more vocal, making their views known. So, I am a little less worried about something unconstitutional slipping through than I would have been PRIOR to "9-11".

Yeah, the sheep are in their pens bleating, There ARE plenty of wolves (terrorists and other people who would like to see our country destroyed), the same number of sheep rustlers (politicians)as usual. But there are now a bunch more sheep dogs, the sheepherders now carry guns, and the townsfolk are more aware of the problems of the world than they used to be.

We DO need to be vigilant against the enemies without and within, but I think (and pray) we are a stronger and more united nation today than we were a year ago, and that there are enough good people to see that our rights and "God Given" freedoms will continue to be protected by our Constitution and Bill of Rights and a strong and well informed populace.

And being a mid-term election year, I don't think that too many of the sheep rustling politicians are going to have the guts to "sell us down the river". If I'm wrong, then God help us all.

Lets stay vigilant, and see what actually comes out of the House and Senate before we panic based on the writings of someone that is in my opinion an alarmist and "lunatic fringe". Oh, it is good that these sort of people are out there, They do alert us to the dangers within that the main stream media will ignore or actively cover-up.

Lux Luthor

Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 10, 2000
I hope you boys are exercising your 2nd amendment rights, in addition to being prepared with flashlights.

Things could get ugly one of these days if our government ever goes too far along these lines.