Doraemon Lights


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 11, 2006
Has anyone here watched Doraemon? It's a tv cartoon in Japan, and as a kid I watched it all the time. He's a robot cat from the future, and has all kinds of cool tools he grabs from his 4th dimensional pocket on his belly.

This forum reminded me of two gadgets Doraemon often uses, they are the "Small Light" and "Big Light". Both of these gadgets resemble flashlights. When you shine light on something with the Small Light, it turns small. The Big Light will do just the opposite, making whatever you shine much larger. Neat, huh?

The question is, what would you do with this neat technology? I would use a Small Light on a heavy backpack when going to school or camping, and when you get to class/the campsite use the big light to resize the backpack.

Please, no disgusting comments/remarks. Thanks.