Server too busy! My impression about the problem!

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Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 26, 2005
Québec, Canada
Like many others here, I've seen a lot of "Server's too busy" messages. A few seconds after, the server is back to normal and FAST. I've worked as a web developer for a few months and server administrator for the particular website I was working on and we got some performance problems like that. The reason why I don't work anymore there? I'm doing a master degree at university in computer sciences. I'm working with intrusion detection systems. My guess for CPF is software configuration problems. At my job, we had 3, dual Xeon 3.2gHz, 1GB ram, plugged in a 100 mbps Internet line servers and we could make the them crash with small programs generating many requests but with not much bandwidth at all. As an example, Apache server default configuration accept 200 concurrent connections. The timeout on them is 300 secs. If generating 1000 connections in a 10 secs time frame, the server will stop responding for many minutes. Many of the search functions blank result page or memory limit exhausted problem could be solved by reconfiguring PHP based on the server hardware limits. Also, mis configured database server is the worst of all case that may cause the "Server too busy" problem. If the website is hosted somewhere where the administrators used the default configuration or used it with not much changes, it will cause a lot of problems. Default configurations tends to be restrictive to be adapted to very slow machines with limited resources (memory, hard drive space, etc).

NOW! I would like to know if there is any CPF administrator that have access to this server softwares configuration? What can you do to tweak it? With more informations, I'm pretty sure many people here on CPF could help to solve the problem!
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