Avoiding shorts, optomizing output: questions

Marcus Aurelius

Newly Enlightened
Apr 28, 2006
Hi All,
Having now completed my first simple modes, I'm getting ready to try my hand at something more complicated, my L1P. But after reading some of the posts here I had some general electronics questions:

What does it mean to "isolate" the star? If you don't, can it short out the light? What else do you have to do to make sure that you don't short out the light.

In general, what should the wires from the - connect to and what should the wires from the + connect to? Do you have to keep one of these away from the body? Why?

In general, when do you need a heat sink? Where do you put it? Does it replace the star, so that the emitter attaches directly to it, or can it be placed under the star?

What are the best things you can do to optimize the output of a light with a new emitter?

Thanks for any help