Looking for beginner videos, here is 2:


Newly Enlightened
Dec 5, 2007
I found 2 amazing videos, one is how to upgrade a headlamp, and the other is how to solder.

Both are on this page: http://www.tigerhawkt3.com/myvideos.htm

The headlamp is the first one under 'Flashlights', and the solder video is the forth one under miscellaneous.

I have searched on youtube for flashlight modding videos with no success, I bet I can find a soldering one there, but I'm sure %99 of my search results will be just a waist of time since %99 of the videos on youtube seem to be just that.

So does anyone know of any more soldering or light modifying videos? O Please post me a link if you do, because I'm dying to see more videos like the ones I already found.
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