Torturing a Poor OLIGHT T-20Q5.. Summary of Test inside


Newly Enlightened
Apr 1, 2008
Destructive test T-20Q5 OLIGHT

After some discussion with Christina from Olight, regarding the strength of the flashlight, I've decided to torture test 1 of my stock of T-20 Q5.

I looked into some of the tests that were tested to the other flashlights. And I've placed a topic in the local/Indonesia Flashlight forum. We came out with a few checklists to do. The lists consist of the usual drop test, water test and being run over by a car.

So on 27/6/08 or (06/27/08 for the Americans) we tortured the poor T-20.

We started off slow…. A few drops to the floor from a desk of about 1 meter. There's some marks from when hit the floor in an angle, but most of the time when the T-20 drops on the sides, it doest leave any mark.

I was bored waiting for my other friend, from the ID-Flashlight to come. While, waiting for him, I've tested for dropping few more dozens time. On the other hands, I actually have another T-20 M turned on at the same time, to test the "heat emission" of the LED. (We'll get back to share the result later).

One hour has passed for waiting my friend – Sem (Dayak2262) who is kind of being the witness for the test, has came along. Hehehe.. ^^ Then, we've started to do the first checklist of the test.

We planned to start of with a few high throws. I've started throwing the T-20 about 3meters in the air and it dived to the ground (Cemented driveways, with some rocky pebbles) head first with a big "Thud." When we picked the flashlight for initial diagnosis, the light is still on (we turn it on, as it's dark outside incase it came close to someone's head) and the body of the flashlight is in remarkable conditions. Only minimal scratches not even a dent a first, just scratches.

After that I've getting more excited and ended up throwing it over 5 meters in the air – the building is 4 floors up, with about 2-3meters for each floor and I passed the 2nd floor window. We did this for few dozens time more. Btw, luckily we did turn the light on, as I almost accidentally hit Sem's head. He won't be able to see the diving T-20 in the dark driveway. We did this few dozens more time until the hand getting tired, well after almost hitting someone's head; we decided that we need to move down the torture lists.

Next, we turned to the big test. We've decided to throw the flashlight off the 3rd floor window, about 15m up. When we first came up with the idea, we were planning to drop it off from 32nd floor of an office building, but we decided to write that off, as its too dangerous for peoples around and decided on an alternative of 3-4 floors. Anyway we digress. After a short run to the 3rd floor, I launched the T-20 off the floor to the hard ground and guess what, the light is still on and the modes are still functioning flawlessly.

While I was running downstairs – I did the hard works unfortunately…. Sem was getting bored and decided to throw a few more rounds to the air. When I reached the driveway, the flashlight gave up and we can't turn it on anymore. Well we feel we have reached the end of the T-20. However after some technical fix - banging of the flashlight, the light actually flickers. So we tried to open the tail caps and we were very surprised at what we've seen. There's nothing been broken inside of the flashlight and the fault is that the positive "point" of the battery was bended inwards (pic attached).

Then, after quickly replacing the CR123 battery, the lights came on again with no indication of fault. Switching modes are normal indeed.

This came in about 30mins when we first started the test, and when I turned on the spare T-20M. The body was actually warm to be touched and I was still being able to grip on it with ease. My RCR123 went out after few minutes after.

Ok, back to the torture victim. After the short excitement period, we decided to move to the next tests, run over the T-20 in a car. For this purpose, we used a locally made SUV, in similar build to Nissan Serena or Toyota Tarago for those that are not familiar.

Basically, we've placed the flashlight in the front tyre and run it forwards and backwards few times. And we turned the flashlight on aswell, for purpose of photography. After dozen rounds, we brought up the flashlights and to our amazement, there's only a few scratches along the body, we figured where there's small stones, pebbles in the driveway.

Before the tests, we were imagining a badly scratched body, with perhaps bended heads or tails, but we were truly surprises to see only small scratches on the body and small cuts on the heads and the tails actually suffer a bit more, from the design – smaller wall of materials.

When we've all been tired of not being able to break the flashlight, we decided that it has suffered enough and brought it inside for taking few photographs. Luckily we remembered that we had another tests to go, the water tests. We figured that the flashlight is "waterproof" in its original construction, but after the minor deformation from the drop tests we're wanting to be sure.

Anyway, we've put the flashlight head first in a glass of water while we were taking pictures. There seems to be no leak at all and the seals are still holding on.

Almost 2 hours after we started the test, we finished taking pictures of the tortured T-20 and were very pleased of its look, where for that moment the T-20Q5 was still running smoothly with proud showing of the battle scar.

Thank you for the time spent on reading my summary of the test.

Olight Agent in Indonesia

The lens of the T-20 broke after being shot at with an Airsoft Gun in close range. The impact of the "projectile" – plastic bb is around 1.5joule and the flashlight was shot at about 40cm of the muzzle. The only damage is to the lens and the reflector/led is till looking good.

Insert is a review from Sem, who was present at the test. Linked from Indonesia's Flashlight Forum

Hari Jum'at kemarin, sama bos Nicholas, coba ngancurin senter OLight T20.

Awalnya senter ini di lempar ke atas sekitar 3-4 meter, terus jatuhnya di beton. Hasilnya, body mulai ada cacat sedikit. Karena penasaran, uji lemparnya di coba terus sampai sekitar 20 kali, sampai di datangin satpam.

Terus karena masih belum apa-apa, cuman baret-baret dikit, lempar ke atasnya udah mulai agak brutal (sampai sekitar 5-6 m), sampai hampir kena kepala, gara-gara lemparnya ketinggian. Senternya masih enggak apa-apa, padahal yang ngelempar udah mulai cape, ini dilakukan lebih dari 10 kali.

Setelah capai ngelempar, nyoba uji dilindas mobil kijang, sampai bosan kijangnya maju mundur, setelah sekitar 6 kali maju mundur, mode-nya berubah ke mode SOS, tapi ternyata kepalanya kendor dikit, setelah di kencengin, ok lagi, terus dilindas lagi sampai bosan, lecetnya nambah aja.

Karena udah di lempar dan di lindas, coba di jatuhin dari atas RUKO, lumayan sich RUKO 3-4 lantai, setelah di jatuhin, ternyata masih enggak ada masalah.

Penasaran gara-gara tanggung udah jauh-jauh ke Pangeran Jayakarta, Saya lempar-lempar lagi, ech, akhirnya mati, jadi setelah mungkin 40-50 kali lempar, mati juga, ada rasa senang dikit, akhirnya senternya kalah :p . Langsung kita buka, mau di autopsi.

Ternyata senternya enggak ada masalah, batterynya yang bermasalah. Jadi kutub positif battery Panasonic-nya ketekan kedalam, jadi rata sama sampingnya, terus kutub negatif-nya juga agak kentop ke dalam. Gara-gara batterynya enggak contact, jadi senternya enggak nyala, begitu battery di ganti, langsung nyala lagi.

Saya juga coba masukin senter ini ke air, gara-gara udah agak bocel-bocel bagian kepala sama belakangnya, ternyata nyala aja tuch.

Coba nyalain sekitar 40 menit, masih bisa di pegang, pastinya sich lebih dingin dari Surefire L4 Lumamax dinyalain 15 menit.

Kesimpulan sich, untuk kondisi pemakaian sehari-hari, rasanya ini termasuk senter yang kuat, maksudnya kalau kita naik pohon kelapa sambil bawa senter OLight, terus enggak sengaja jatuh, kita bakalan masuk rumah sakit, senternya malah enggak apa-apa.

Foto-fotonya, Saya akan kirim besok, soalnya ketinggalan.

Sem Pribadi

Note : Saya enggak ada hubungan apa-apa sama Bos Nicho loch....
Pic 1- Bent head of the CR123 panasonic

Pic 2 - The T-20 during the "run over" test

Pic 3 - T-20 Head after the tortures - *before i broke the lens*


Pic 4 - T-20 Head after the lens was shot at. slight indentations mark on the reflector from the impact of the broken glass, but no major problems on operations. btw, best way to clear the shattered lens was to drop it few more times to the ground :p


Other photos can be viewed from:


Dec 18, 2006
Bay Area, CA
Nice, reminds me of some of Esthan's tests.

Glad to know that the Olight will take some abuse with no problem at all.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 18, 2007
Terminal 4
Very good info. It's nice to know even the affordable lights are quite rugged and will survive a lot of abuse.


Newly Enlightened
Apr 1, 2008
Thanks for the response guys.. dont know what to expect from my first ever review here ehhehehe.. just want to show what this little beast can do compared to its competitors that is around for much longer.



Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 31, 2008
Belfast, NI
It stands up pretty well it seems.
Nice post, thanks for sharing.

BTW. Can the lens be changed easily on O-lights?


Newly Enlightened
Apr 1, 2008

based from Christina's feedback, seems that the lens should be replaceable with no problem. Just that they havent got a plan to sell just the replacement lens yet.

I'm trying to get some lens from her and hopefully i can answer your question more specifically next.
