Zebralight H30 real world use


Newly Enlightened
May 19, 2008
I finally got the chance to use my H30 under real conditions a few days ago. I undertook a sunset summit of Mount Monadnock and the H30 really impressed. When you use the H30 in wide open area, the lack of a hotspot makes the light seem weak. However, coming down a mountain on a windy, rocky forest trail is the perfect situation for this light. As an added bonus, once below the treeline, the trail was marked with reflectorized panels nailed to trees. The wide beam an lack of hotspot lit up multiple trail markers up ahead where standard headlamps and flashlights did not. I used the medium setting because I was with a group who had various incarnations of standard headlamps and flashlights, so my night vision wasn't as strong as it could be. However, I could have made the trek on low if I was by myself, which I though was pretty impressive for only 4 lumens.
